You can see the ABC interview to get an idea about this New Jersey family HERE. (You'll see a commercial first). They will be taking out the Duggars for a week to showcase a family that has 2 sets of twins and sextuplets. And while they are in no way the personalities of the Gosselins, they also appear to have their hands full. I was saddened to hear that one of the sextuplets has Cerebral Palsy. You can reads an article about the community rallying around to support and donate what they can HERE. While I applaud TLC for hoping that this family will be loved like the Gosselins, how many do you think can take on becoming celebrities while also being criticized for bringing their children into the spotlight for money? While I would personally do a pony show to get my kids a nicer way of living, the Goselins has been bashed by the trolls for child exploitation. But how is it OK for these families to do the same? And for that matter, how will this impact TLC for being criticized for becoming the "any big family now gets a show" network?
This appears to be a more laid back quiet family with alot of kids. Kids that as you can see from the video are not yet ready to handle big network interviews and are not nearly as polished as the Gosselins. But you will definitely sympathise with this couple after seeing all these kids running around like crazy. I can see that TLC is looking real hard to create a new "Gosselins". But when you see this cute family, one thing is missing: and that's Kate. She drives the rating, the controversy, and the success of their show. And while my preference will always be the real deal Gosselins, I wish this family nothing but the best, and hopefully a hit show with this great family that could perhaps replace the controversial "family values" Duggars.
Yeah I know that commerical is always always always stuck in my head and I don't believe it's leaving...
I'm pretty sure the Gosselins will always be my favorite. I do watch the other families but I actually identify with Kate. I like her even despite her bad quailities. I know I can be the same way she gets sometimes. And I know she loves Jon and Jon loves her. You can tell. People are way to quick to judge. I really love this whole family including Kate! And I bet I'm not the only one who likes her. :)
So I'm not the only one sort of creeped out by the Duggars? I dvr their show, and so I've watched every episode, and somehow I always end up with a wierd feeling after watching them. They just seemed so programmed - almost cultish. I'm not bashing them the way the Gosselins get bashed - I just feel like some of their "family values" are just off. The cousin Amy cracks me up - she clearly feels the same way, but loves being on tv so she's always there. And the Gosselin girls are all like, "Yes, we love Amy - flaws and all" sort of attitude!! Wierd stuff!!
I LOVE the commercial, but I"M SICK of the song!!!!
I love J&K I think they are awsome people. I was just over at GWOP and I am going crazy!!! Pepole who leave comments over there are mental. And not living in the real world of parenting. I love this blog and I will always be a J&K fan.
Maybe I am just a biased fan of the Gosselins, but I think it is a mistake for TLC to put on another family of twins/sextuplets...granted I know they have 2 sets of twins. I think that people are going to get tired of watching the "same old thing" and turn to other shows or networks.
That being said, I wish the Hayes family nothing but all the success in the world!!
And I have to agree that Kate does really make the show!
I'm looking forward to seeing the new twins, twins & sextuplets show, but J&K was first and will always be special. The Duggars creeped me out after 5 minutes and I couldn't watch it any more. I think 90% of what bothers me is the mom's voice. In my mind one big key to the success of J&K is their part Asian heritage. It makes them cute in a unique way. I also agree with others that Kate's temperament, like it or not, adds extra interest to the show (along with Mady's! :) ).
I remember awhile back Kate mentioned that TLC wanted to do a show on them b/c they were the first to already have multiples when they had sextuplets. She was wrong I guess, which is no biggie, but I am just surprised we have not heard about this family sooner.
Jordyn, you're right - you are not the only who likes Kate - she is my hero! : )
They Hayes Family certainly DID out Sextuplet the Gosselins!
I watched the Hayes family tonight and have to say I'm delighted with them! The Dad is funny, hard working, very loving, and looks to be real hands-on and involved.
The oldest twins are helpers in the family, everyone has chores and helps around the house and they all seem to pull together to make their family work.
After watching J&K+8 with their excesses in Hawaii, matching everything, over contrived activities, Kate being over the top, etc., I was so excited to see a family that appeared to be 'normal'.
I cried when they said all of their clothes were hand-me-downs from family and friends (nothing new) after just seeing the Gosselin's extravagent Hawaiian vacation with everything new and matching.
And, I cried when the Hayes oldest son, when talking about his little sister with cerebal palsy, said she 'took them all' for the family' when talking about everyone escaping birth defects but her.
I loved seeing the display of genuine affection between the Hayes parents, the talk of everyday activities, struggles, involvement of family and friends ---- all things that have been missing from J&K+8 since the first 2 documentaries.
I so hope the Hayes family finds a HUGE audience of viewers. IMO I think they have something to offer viewers other than showing their family visiting theme parks and resorts the way the Gosselin's have for a year. I'll take loving, affectionate, hardworking, humble Hayes family over gluttonous, greedy, boring, unemployed, scripted, carbon copied, gimmie-gimmie Gosselin's any day!
I agree with Stephanie! I am an avid watcher of John and Kate plus 8, but I REALLY liked the Hayes family! Many of my friends don't watch J&K+8 because they can't stand Kate...so this would be a good alternative for them. This family was SO much more laid back and relaxed and there wasn't a "JOHN!" scream in sight. When they went to the restaurant and came home and said that it could have been worse I laughed my butt off! Kate G. would have been screaming and blowing her top. I think the children in the Hayes family are more down to earth because of Rebbecca - who has CP. I hope to see more of them on TLC!
I think the hayes family is much more down to earth and realistic that the Gosslins. I really can't stand Kate anymore and the kids are really spoiled. Do they have a new outfit for everything they do? I guess it's from making all the money off of the show.
Jenna are you kidding me? The girls wore their ALOHA dresses at least twice that week, and whats wrong with having nice clothes if they can now afford it or they are given to them? Should they not wear it to not appear in your mind spoiled? And for that matter, I have seen the kids wear their clothes more than once. You saw one episode of The Hays, and for that matter everyone thought the Gosselins were down to earth too a short while ago before they started making money and getting free perks. And isn't this a fan site? (lol) your not a troll in disguise are you? ;)
I watched Twins, Twins, and Sextuplets on Monday night. There's something about the mom and dad that I didn't like at all. They're obviously aware of the constant bashing of the Gosselins, and it seemed to me like they were trying way too hard to make sure everyone knew that THEY'RE the laid back parents...not at all like those tense Gosselins. The mom is incredibly man-ish...gives me the creeps. No wonder the dad calls her "dude." These two people are extremely annoying. I much prefer Jon and Kate, warts and all.
Really big fan of J & * Plus 8 but enjoyed very much the new Hayes family. They are very real and very, very different from J & K. Felt they were very real and genuine and how could they have time or energy to be "fake" or "scripted"....10 kids and one with CP - no way. Very, very nice family. Hope things happen to help them.....not to the degree of our beloved SPOILED J & K but really help them live every day. Agree with others, the Duggars creep me out.....the mom is too much and they are like watching a CULT. The engaged son with a girl he really hardly knows, engaged and SAVING the kiss for wedding day - those 2 are about to EXPLODE if they don't at least get the kiss out of the way.....TOO much
UNreal TV. Love the cousin - she is REAL.....(enjoy the postings). kp
I have to agree w/ Stephanie, for the most part. At first, I was not a fan of Kate, but I kept with the show and started to warm up to her, and loved watching the kids. I had a lot of, “Oh, that’s just Kate!” moments. (Of course, I talk like I know her, but I think that’s what happens when you get really invested in a show.) However, the show is starting to lose its charm with me.
I don’t know if it’s b/c I spent some time reading that “Gosselins Without Pity” blog and - even though I disagree w/ a lot of what is said on there - it soured my view of the Gosselins, or I’m just fed up w/ their personalities. Or maybe it’s that, for me, the show has lost its roots in reality. (I know that reality TV is never truly “reality,” but their lifestyle just doesn’t resonate w/ me anymore.) It’s not my place to criticize anyone’s style of parenting, but after watching the Hayes family and seeing how warm they are, and how much they’ve let their children be normal children, or at least as normal as they can be...I don’t know. It’s hard not to compare the two families and feel that the Gosselin kids got the short end of the stick.
I don’t mean to say that Kate’s a horrible person, because she’s not, nor are any of the Gosselins, with the possible exception of Maddy. (Yes, I’m going to hell.) I just think that, after watching “Jon and Kate...”, spending an hour the Hayes family felt like such a breath of fresh air. Oh, goodness. Don’t even get me started on the Duggars...
I love the Gosselin family. Jon and Kate are great parents. Their show has been a great success, but I would have to disagrre in that they are not down to earth. I watched the Hayes family and I liked the show. As many of you said they are laid back, but you have to understand that they are just starting the show. The Gosselins have been doing this for a long time already. We have all seen their children grown up. They have a lot on their plate. Interviews, a book, work, etc. The Hayes will be doing all that once their show kicks off!! Both families are great in their own way!! The Hayes are simple, and determined to do whatever for their kids. The Gosselins are the same, but they already have the fame. Bashing the Gosselins will make them stronger and they are already strong as it is. They did what they thought was the right thing. If you had just had sextuplets, and no money to feed them, plus have 4 year old twins and you got offered your own show, dam we would take it in a heart beat to feed our kids, wouldn't we?? And having nice clothes for your kids, when did that become a crime?? The Gosselins all have nice clothes, but don't we all?? Spolied kids, lol.... give me a break!!!
I wish the best to Hayes, their family is ADORABLE!!! They will have great success, and I hope they replace the Duggars. I seriouslt hope so!!
As for the song.... I LOVE IT!!! LOL
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