It's been at least 6-8 months now that they have been talking about building a house in NC. J&K attended a wrap party for Season 3 back in May down at Figure 8. When they returned, Jon said that property had been purchased and all of the sponsors had committed. Everything is being provided including appliances, furnishings, TVs, etc. J&K are not paying for ANYTHING. They have been showing their house plans to various people. Supposedly, it's going to be 8000sf with a pool and pool house. There will be an area designated for the crew including their own entrance and kitchen. Moving out of state has nothing to do with fighting with family and friends. That has been going on as long as I have known the family. We believe that in order to get the house of their dreams, the production company has stipulated that it needs to be near them. They have no intention of ending this any time soon. Blog entry created from comments posted by The Truth Shall Set You Free.
Julie are you kidding me? You mean I could get arrested and go to jail for nothing? The trolls over at GWOP are practically looking at them changing for bed in PA not NC!
Anonymous said...They did indeed move to this house. Drove by there yesterday and saw the kids out front in the yard, and the big blue van parked in the garage, and a small white box truck in the driveway (moving truck or TLC?). It's quite a house, that's for sure, but the one pictured is in fact the house they're in. As someone else said, this house is pretty isolated. It's not a home you can easily come across, without knowing where to look, and there are no other homes on that stretch of road, but it is also in very close proximity to all the necessities. I would venture to say they made this move to be a little closer to family? They often make trips to Berks County area anyway (church, etc.) and family still lives here. 11/02/2008 7:28 PM
So Julie, does this mean you were lying, or had no idea exactly what you were talking about? Because the nosy neighbors from their last neighborhood have nothing on these psychos that are traveling around isolated streets looking for their NEW house. And you wonder why they wouldn't purchase a house in their own name?? Lets check out another gem from GWOP before bed...
Lynn said...Sorry, I must correct. The deed was recorded on 10/23/08, and the purchase price was $1,120,000.00. This is according to online records that I was able to view. 11/02/2008 3:47 pm
Wow, so how scary is it exactly that the trolls can look hard and acquire this much personal information about a family? Is that totally insane? Does that show the type of people that post on that blog? Is it almost as bad as me flying to North Carolina to sit in the bushes by a house I was told by Julie was Jon & Kates! Why, these both sound pretty insane to me!
Jon & Kate Are Praised By The National Inquirer?
Yeah, I had to comment about this after I saw it on GDNNOP. Read it there and see the pic. Len Feldman says is the best thing to watch on TV, right in the pages of the National Inquirer. Its true! The same ones that paid Julie $50 for her inside knowledge slamming the Gosselins! Kidding, I really don't know that for sure. Lucky for me it was all just a bad dream and I'm safe and sound in bed. Like the normal folk. Super psyched about the episode tomorrow!
This is kind of off topic, but I was just reading some of things about comment moderation on the GWOP blog, and I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair.
They actually have an entire post dedicated to why they won't post people's comments. Why can't they just write:
"We are cowards who want to look like we know what we are talking about. We do this by posting only comments from people who actually agree with us." and be done with it?
That would be shorter than practically writing a novel about why they can't let anyone see that people actually disagree with them.
They are the ones who end up looking foolish when they try to make it look like everyone feels the same way they do. Readers aren't that dumb, sorry.
And the whole post dedicated to the missing persons on the show... Why are these people so anal about a bunch of nothingness?
I'm still laughing by the way. Too bad they can't hear me because they are off in lala land deleting all their negative comments(which I'm sure are many.) Can we say "GWOP is biased censorship at it's worst?"
I think we can. :)
Great post.
Very funny!
I have said it before that I am just as curious as the next viewer. However, some people take it WAY to far! I think it so creepy that these people actually drive-by their house. I hope that Jon and Kate have security!
I know this is off topic...but did anyone see the wedding pics from the cafemom.com group (what happened to aunt jodi)? They are really cute.
Bee, what is the link to that site? I would love to see the pix.
Calli-mom, the photos are on a private Jon & Kate blog you have to request to join on Cafe Mom. The blog owner is being very tight lipped on how she got the photos, and there is no way to copy them ;) They are all the People Magazine Wedding photos none of us got to see. In the mag they only showed three, she has over 10 of them and they are stunning. That blog is very anti-Gosselin and I have talked about them before in my posts. However under those photos, only one person out of all of them made a sarky comment. She was beautiful, the day seemed incredible. And for anyone to say that they would pass up the opportunity to go and do something like that is lying. Also one of the photos showed what appeared to be Jon relatives, so they were definitely there. Makes you super excited to see that episode!
Oh ok, thanks! I cant wait to see the wedding episode now!!
I'm sorry I'm not a fan of cafe mom. I left awhile ago and I am never going back. :) Anyway I can't wait to see the new episode tonight!
You are so bad! I love it!
Seriously, great post.
Awesome post!
I also left cafemom after about 3 days of poor debating skills hell. I can't wait till they unveil the new $300 million, 300K square feet on 300 acres with mouthwatering appliances and every stick of furniture donated for free. That's what they're going to claim regardless of what the reality is. The black hole of their ill-will will suck them in due to the sheer weight of their jealousy. I love being petty about petty people.
I can sense the hatred for the GWOP site....but in all fairness...Do you think it is really healthy for the kids to be filmed since they are 16 months old? How can they develop normally when they dont live a normal life? Why dont we see Aunt Jodi or even Beth anymore? Is it healthy for the kids to have adult in their lives...trust them...love them...and then have them leave? I LOVE the show...the kids are just so cute and amazing. But all the shows are just about free trips and such. I want to see more of the old shows. Seeing how they cope with 8 kids. Maybe at school? Maybe with friend? Not being shuttles from trip to trip.
PS: How can we really believe that Kate uses the K-Mart Christmas Lay-a-way she was plugging the the talk show the other day when they have a million dollar house, $ from speaking engagments, and product placement for Juciy Juice, Gymboree, and GAP.
I must say emily that what have posted makes a valid point. But I also have to say what may be normal to you may not be normal to others. those kids have had teh production team around them since basically day 1 so that is all they know. To them that is NORMAL. also you commented on hwo do we knw she truly uses Kmart's lay away plan living in a million dollar home and so on? Well i to live in a million dollar home and I do use layway. as it was said before it is a great way to keep gifts out of the house with lil spys running about. matter of fact I used Walmart's Lay away until they got rid of it. lay away is not just for poor people that is such a stereotype. I hate that. ALSO you commented on this being a GWOP hate site. All I have to say to that is The First Ammendment. GWOP is a Kate hate site so to each their own. Atleast this iste allows people to post how they feel since your post made it thru huh?
I just found your site and I am SO happy that you're doing this. I actually found the GWOP first and left a comment that, after reading your experiences, probably will not get published.
What a group of jealous, nasty spirited people.
Keep up the GREAT work! I'll be bookmarking this site!
Couldn't agree more. Layaway is for everyone. My parents used to use it all the time...and for the reasons Kate gave. It kept our gifts out of site til Christmas.
And I think it's great she is a spokesperson for it. I think the trolls at GWoP are jealous Kate has a business sense and is branching out from the show. Love her or hate her, you know who Kate Gosselin is. She's the mom of those adorable kids. And, I must say, I think Kate is a great mom!!
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