Family Matters For TLC and its Viewers
Please enjoy the video below and the article from TheBaltimoresun.com that talks a bit about the success of Jon & Kate and the new show called Table for 12. As you can see, I have not yet discussed this show. I wont comment on it until I have actually seen it. But since I saw the special, I'm a bit sad to say I am not as excited about this show then the others. We will see. But TLC is banking on you all not loosing that "Gosselin feeling" as they are showing marathon after marathon in the weeks after the season finale. The story also covers how TLC has risen from nowhere to become one of the top 10 coveted advertising channels. Jon & Kate is obviously the highest for that channel.
Slopes, Sleds & Sesame
Ok, so we all know that during this time Jon did his famous interview that you can re-see HERE.
This appears to be around the same time. I have to tell you I absolutely LOVED this episode until the very end. I was sad and upset that TLC even acknowledge that the family was struggling and having issues. It lends a nod to the haters that are out there looking for their marriage to fail. It ruined what I thought was a fun, happy meaningful episode that for once put the spotlight on Cara who so deserved it.
Anyone that even attempts to criticize the fact that Jon spent time alone with this precious girl should be ashamed. She is so deserving of spending time doing something fun with her father. That anyone would go on a board and have anything to say about it is so wrong. To see Kate, take the kids to a show on her own I really applaud her. I also went to this Sesame Street Live Show a few years back when my daughter was younger. Before it started I complained that I was paying too much for a show that short. Well let me just say how happy I was that it was the perfect length and yes, the kids do get fidgety after a while. Kate was super lucky that she got box seats where the kids can stretch a bit. Though she obviously didn't know she was going to be getting SUCH great seats, you can tell that they appreciated it. The boys are getting so old and looking so handsome! And the first thing my daughter noticed was the girls wearing the same Gymboree sweater she had (lol). The dogs were being "dog sat" and the kids got to meet the characters up close and even Mady enjoyed it. We also got to see Mady have some alone time with her mom while getting he braces checked, and it was a very nice segment as well. And lets not forget the puppies! It was also nice to see Kate (who we know really does love her dogs) taking care of them, feeding them before the dog sitter came ;) And for the record, I think Kate looks great. Why do people feel that just because she's not in sweats every week now shes no longer relateable. Do stay-at-home moms all have to look like a schlep in order for us to relate?
But what I loved the most was the interaction between Jon & Cara. They went back to Park City, Utah to The Canyon and it looked like so much fun. Even me, who hates to ski, would have loved to go down a mountain in a tube like they did. Jon got to do some cool things on his own as well, like actually riding with a coach from the Jamaican Bobsled Team. How cool is that? They put a camera on the sled and you swore you were right in there with them. These were some of the things I loved, along with seeing how well Cara has been doing with her skiing lessons.
At the end you see Jon & Cara having dinner. Jon spoke about how much he liked spending time with her and told her he loved her. My daughter loved this part. She said it was so sweet and now she wants her father to do that for her too (lol). All would have been a perfect end to this episode. But TLC has to ruin it be giving a commercial " It's all been leading up to this..."Seems to me that they're playing off of the recent press that they've received regarding the split rumors - did anyone else get that vibe off of the commercial for the season finale? I wonder if TLC re-edited the show to deal with all of the stuff being written and said lately about them. If that's the case then I'm truly disappointed. I know that all will be well, I have faith in them and pray that their marriage with get through all the hate & lies they are forced to read about them.
thanks so much for the blog. I love this site....I am so excited for the episode tonight.
There are so many people upset because Jon is only taking Cara skiing. If anyones remembers, she is the only one who really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it. I hope they had lots of fun!
I just came across your website while doing a Jon and Kate search. I adore their family. I wanted to thank you for the time you put into this blog. I was so excited to find it and now I can read even more about them! I'm eager for Kate to do an appearance in the Boston area and can't wait until you add my area to your appearance list! haha. Thank you again, I look forward to your posts.
WHAT A GREAT EPISODE!!! Jon and Cara had such a fabulous time and Kate and the other kids did as well. It was just perfect!!!
I loved this episode! In the season finale preview, looks like they admit they might be having an issue. I am glad they can admit it, work on it and move on.
Cara had so much fun with her dad. Hell, I could never even stand on ski's and there is 8 year old Cara just going and going. So happy for her.
Loved the episode...so great to see the one on one time Cara got to enjoy. Also great to see Kate venture out with the other children and looked very happy on the outing. Great show tonight! I did not like the little snippet they showed for a preview of next weeks season finale. It will only give the haters more to chatter about and make up nonsense about.
I liked the episode. It wasn't one of my favorites. For me, this past season seems to be lacking. I miss the whole family being together and it seems that they have taped quite a bit while Kate has been doing book tours or speaking engagments. Jon and Cara looked like they had a great time and Kate handled the other seven kids on her own really well. All the kids are looking so much older! Maddie's braces are really changing the shape of her face. It seems TLC is taking advantage of the rumors and using it tease the audience into thinking that maybe next week Jon and Kate "break up:. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm leaning towards bad. That seems kinda of sensenational for TLC.
Actually Babymama they went to see "Sesame Street Live". Kate was happy to discover they'd been given a suite, and they also got to meet the characters for hugs and pictures.
So cute, my neice would be SO jealous! That little girl LOVES Elmo something fierce...
TLC should be hanging their heads in SHAME over that promo for next weeks show. Dark music, echoing voices, "where is the coupon" angry cloudy flashbacks, and then the words "it's all been leading up to this..." ...A one hour season finale.
So let me get this straight: We're going to be seeing the Gosselins visit the Touch Museum, followed by another 30 minute episode where they go see the Globetrotters...but they're pretending like it's some dark secretive announcement. The commercial does NOT jive with the episode descriptions, that's for SURE.
They're trying to get ratings, and no one believes for a MINUTE there's anything else gonna happen.
How stupid do they think we are?!?
TLC. Exchanging truth for ratings, on a daily basis!!!
I loved this episode. I took my little girl (now 11) when she was 2 1/2 to see Sesame Street Live she loved it and so did we.
I agree, that I didnt care for the preview snipit of next week's season finale, I think its just a ploy to get people to watch, (in my opinion)
All in all I loved this episode. :)
I too was very sad at the "tone" of that preview. I can't wait to see it now and see what all that dramatic talk was about. The scenes with Jon and Cara were so cute. I thought how can they show all this and throw that preview in there. . . . . sigh
I guess we will see next week . . . .
I thought this was one of the best episodes yet! Loved the quality time with Cara and loved that the kids got to meet all the sesame characters.
PS- I have posted a short recap of my trip to see kate in Etown on my blog. It is short, but does have some info, check it out if you want :)
First I want to say I am a bit of a Jon and Kate plus 8 freak. I have a tendency of checking your sight everyday :) I have to get this off of my chest though. Jon and Kate are not the same. I just finished watching the most recent episode and The usual clap and laugh while leaning forward has not been seen by Kate for quite some time. What is going on with them?? They haven't shown them talking to each other AT ALL! they used to have conversations and Kate would pick on him. When was the last time we saw that? How can I a die hard fan ignore this???? I really miss the old episodes and the Jon and Kate we all fell in love with. Whats this???
Taylor Taylor, yours is up your butt.
I too have faith in them that everything will be okay.
Your site is amazing! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to keep us updated!
This is a good question, and as a die hard fan I guess I should answer. Its not that we (or should I say I) don't truly miss the days when we all felt that they were struggling just like us all. But that doesn't mean I'm not happy for all the opportunities the kids are given and all the great swag they get as "celebrities". I do miss when they laughed more and when they didn't obviously feel as stressed as they do. I am not ignoring anything, in fact, all I do is lobby to the trolls to back up before I start smacking some people. I'm heartbroken to see how the stress of those haters have affected their relationship. Without the negative blogging, no reporter would look search out a college and write a pack of lies based on what a few girls said.
And before jumping on me its not to say that Jon didn't do something stupid. But he didn't do any cheating either and again, the media being as nasty as they are reported and made a big deal out of not much, therefore setting off this chain that has obviously affected their marriage.
I hope and pray that this family is as strong as they say they are and know that there are people out there like myself supporting them 100 percent. Moving forward as a strong family is the best finger they could show to those that want nothing more than the show to end and for them to get a divorce.
jazzyjen~ Taylor Taylor is a nasty troll and already gone. Thanks though!
I loved seeing Cara skiing... she's great! I wish the Gosselins the best and I hope that they pull through everything. It's obvious that they are human and experience life problems like the rest of us. We have to remember that they had kids and lots of them very early in their marriage. It has been non-stop from the get go and that can be very stressful. It is sick and wrong that there are actually people out there that are purposefully wishing them to fail and find joy in that. I shudder to think what kind of children are being raised by such mean spirited people. :( As much as I loved the show, i kinda hope this is their last season so they can get back to some sort of normalcy.
thanks for the blog!
Jane, Jane, go away, we don't need your hate today.
I totally agree with your assessment of this episode. I loved it - I loved how Jon spent special time with Cara, and at the same time, knew that the haters on that other site would find a reason to say that was wrong!! Whatever!! LOL Loved the Sesame Street Live trip - only I didn't like their seats at all. I had box seats for the circus once, and it was actually awful - because the kids couldn't really see the stage well cuz it was so far away. It was cool to have the snacks and bathrooms and room to move around, but the attention span was actually worse being that far from the action. They would have been better off on the floor right in front of the stage instead of high up in a private box. But it was so sweet to see them with the characters after the show - my 14 month old will fight them for Elmo's hand in marriage though!! She's obsessed with Elmo - we can't wait for our annual Sesame Place trip this summer!!
I too was very saddened that TLC chose to show that promo at the end. I so hope it was just a case of TLC editing the promo to make it look like their marriage was in trouble, just so we'll tune in, but that all is fine. Part of me is afraid they are going to announce that they are stopping the weekly series next year, and will do occasional hour specials/updates instead - due to the crazy crap the morons on the hate sites post, which cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for their family. I so hope that isn't the case.
if anyone finds a link top see the commercial for next week's episode, can you post it? i missed it - sounds terrible, but I figure I can't form my opinion for this weeks poll unless I see the promo.
I wouldn't be surprised if they divulge next week that they're going to couples counseling or something just as a way to work through the stress, both of their "celebrity" and the daily life of having a family of 10. I can see them deciding to divulge that to show that they are relatable and there's no shame in talking to someone about their life in a normal and healthy way.
I will say Kate does seem sadder/more stressed/more private than she ever was before. I miss her! I'm sure they never dreamed they would have to face haters bad-mouthing their family. Also, I'm sure they didn't realize taking the kids out in public would be more difficult- with 8 of them, I would be terrified a crazed fan would try to snatch one... There are definitely ups and downs to this show for them. I just hope Kate is able to cope well and we see the old Kate again who's smiling and laughing!
I LOVED this episode!! It was great that Jon and Cara got to spend a lot of one on one time!! I am sure they both need it!! I hope they do that with each of the kids!
I really appreciated the fact that they did not film Mady getting her braces on!! Good job looking out for your kiddo!!
Loved watching Kate interact with the kids at the show! They ALL looked like they were having fun!! Kudos to Kate for taking all 7 kids out alone, to a show no less! I find it difficult to take 2 kids out sometimes!!
As far as the commercial for next week goes, I think it is just TLC using an unfortunate event (Jon's photo drama) to increase ratings.
Jon and Kate have said that it is a difficult time, a stressful time. Who WOULDN'T think that their marriage is taking a beating at this particular time!? Their lives are SO different and there is a lot for this family to process and get accustomed to!
And if they are truly having marital problems, then I would say that only makes them more relateable to all of us. Because WHO hasn't had tough times in their marriages?!!!
Of COURSE TLC is going to take full advantage of the recent drama, why wouldn't they? Not saying I agree with their methods, but it certainly doesn't surprise me!
It will be interesting to see what next weeks episode is "really" about! It might just be a lot of fluff over nothing! Let's hope!
i have to agree with one of the commentors on here. j&K lack the charm that they once had. they barely sit next to each other on the couch and there are no more love taps from kate. i miss that. i loved the show, but it is losing my interest. they don't do much as a family anymore and it just lacks that appeal. kate is always away. i think it has lost the famiy appeal that it once had.
i understand that they are a business now, trying to make a living for their kids.
if there is a split. i am going to be so upset. i hope and pray they can get through whatever it is that is going on to.
I am anticipating my saturday night at 8. I dont get to watch the new episodes on Monday b/c I teach dance so my time is on Sat. But I am really excited to see this episode. I was wondering when Jon did that interview if they were also filming him and Cara for the show. Now I know :) As for the preview for the following week. We all have to remember this is TV and TLC or not they are going to get their ratings anyway they can. Even if it takes the rumors and mayhem the media caused to get it.
As for J&K and their relationship I sure hope all is well and they do work things out. After seeing so many other reality tv stars families grow apart I hope and pray they beat the odds. I am just about finished her 1st book (it has taken me 2 and half months) and reading her words and remembering how she was in the beginning I do see the change in Kate. Whether it is stress of the show, traveling, tv, all the rumors or all the above. I know it has got to be tough. My heart goes out to her. I dont think she intends on being so nasty all the time (maybe on occasion but who isnt. Maybe the summer months will be good to her a good time to rest.
It looks like according to your appearcenes she is taking a break.
Sorry for the long rant :)
I had a different take on the preview for the season finale, in that I thought it seemed really natural that they would want to address what is ALL OVER the internet (the photos of Jon w/ fans, etc.) and how they are dealing w/ it. What couple DOESN'T go thru something like this? If it is true that Jon went to a college students house and played beer games, I'd want to kick his rear if he were my husband...and my husband has had a moment just like that in our marriage - a moment of joining in fun that was not the best judgement. I personally think it takes them back to being more relatable and open the way they once were. Not that I for one moment have any idea what it's like to have every move in public scrutinized, analyzed, and judged.
Personally, as a fan though, I very much miss seeing shows that are just about their everyday life, hanging around the house, involved w/ family and friends. I am certainly glad for every good thing that has come their way due to the show but I do think it has changed the show itself.
As always, I still wish them all the best. I have to think with the faith that they share, that there is no way they will not pull through this. With God, ALL things ARE possible.
I agree tiredmama, I too miss the shows just hanging around the house doing everyday things. I'm sure the producers struggle to find a "topic" or direction for every episode, but the "day in the life" episodes are some of my favorites.
I'm sure the summer episodes will be great- I loved all of their travels last summer!
I have been a fan of Jon & Kate for such a long time and watched every Monday religiously! I only recently found your blog and love the time you put into it. Thank you! I have to admit though, I've been an oblivious fan for so long I had NO idea there were so many J&K haters out there!! I've perused gwop and been shocked to see the hurtful things people say about this family!!
This was a great episode. It was great to see Cara smiling and having a great time with her dad. And Kate genuinely looked like she was having a great time with the other 7.
I have, however, noticed a change in j&k demeanor. Mainly since they started filming at the new house. Everything is not what it once was. I miss the laughing Kate and the banter between them.
I think its really unfortunate how TLC chose to advertise for next weeks episode. If they were going to show footage of J&K 'fighting/arguing' they could have found better footage than an old clip from their old kitchen and her yelling about a receipt. I'm not trying to be rude, but there are definitely better examples of them disagreeing. TLC is trying to feed into the media hype and they threw that commercial together last minute. The preview does NOT match the description for the next show at all.
With that being said, if I was still an oblivious fan and watched the show but did not read anything online or in the papers, that preview would have really upset me.
Either way - I love this family and hope nothing but the best for them!! Maybe a few months off of filming will bring them back better than ever!
p.s. sorry for the long post - i'm new at this!
anyone else who missed the commercial, I found it on youtube the link is really long just cut & paste...
Thanks for the blog! I love this show and have been watching forever!
This past season I have noticed that Jon and Kate don't seem as happy during the couch interviews. They don't laugh, joke and touch each other as they used to. Kate used to look at Jon when he spoke with a huge smile on her face. The last few episodes, they both seem really uncomfortable.
I really really hope that everything is okay with them. I hope it is just stress from filming and Kate travelling. I really hope TLC is making a big deal about nothing!
Love the blog! Keep up the great work!
Here are a few new book signings for Kate. My daughter and I are going to try and make the one in Pleasant Hill. Wish us luck!
I'll join you all on the bandwagon about how the tone of the show has changed from the happy parents who joked, challenged, love tapped, and smiled at each other into stressed, uncommunicative, parents who hardly look at each other at all and don't know what the other one has been doing.
I have no doubt that the stresses of the show along with the book tours, added to their most basic stress of raising a family of EIGHT children has taken it's toll on Jon and Kate. I only wish they would have taken more family time off from shooting the show to work on rebuilding the family and their relationship as a couple. I wish them well and don't know how they endure everything that's going on in their busy lives.
Baby Mama, you said: "But he didn't do any cheating either and again, the media being as nasty as they are reported and made a big deal out of not much, therefore setting off this chain that has obviously affected their marriage."
I don't really agree that the media's reports of Jon going out set off this chain of events affecting their marriage, but that their relationship was already having problems which lead him to go out in the first place. I agree with you that it was stupid for Jon to go out where he did in the first place and I'm sure he's regretting every minute of his outings. We all know how that has so negatively affected them and I hope by ending this season on a different note (whatever it is)will give them a fresh start with their new season in May.
This episode reminded me of how great Jon can be with the kids when he's relaxed - Cara looked like she was having a great time with her dad and it was wonderful to see her smile and hear her genuine laughter. I wish J&K would watch this episode and see the things we all saw to remind themselves of how their lives used to be and can be again if they work hard. I have to be honest, though and say that I wonder if they want their quieter simpler lives back or if they prefer the activity and notoriety the show and books have brought them. All I wish for them is that they are happy and that the kids are loved, secure, and are happy, too.
Steph I totally agree with everything you said!
I love being a sheeple, its better than being a troll!
Trolls are ugly(inside and out) and live under bridges.
I can't wait until next weeks episode. I hope that its about the dogs and not the marriage, then the trolls can eat their words.(wishing they would choke on them)
CBB~ Thanks for the link to the commercial. I really feel hat they are making a HUGE deal out of this for ratings.
Karen~ Holy smoke thanks so much for all the additional days. I see shes going to be doing a few dates in CA and I really hope that she will be bringing the kids so that they could enjoy it as well.
For the 3 hours AFTER the episode this site received over 12,000 hits last night! Its insane! Its the most I have ever gotten in such a short period of time and I will probably be bragging about that on my next post so please forgive me!
Hello all. I loved this episode also. My husband always says that all "reality couples" eventually get divorced. I sure hope that TLC is hyping this up for viewers to solely watch. I pray that they do make it and that they do stay together...thanks for the blog. I accidentally came across this, and lvoe your site! :)
It IS true that all the stuff people are saying about them are just rumors right?
All those book signings are weekdays. I doubt the children should miss school for that.
I think the ad for next week is just a teaser. Ratings were way down last week and TLC knows how to pique interest.
Lots of hits here because we were checking reaction to the ad among fans and non-fans.
i was watching 18 and counting last night and they showed an extended version to the upcoming episodes. First they showed the play museum, then the Globetrotters, then "its all been leading up to this. Which IMO is just the season finally. I think TLC took advantage of a crummy situation, and shame on them. I really feel the weird place they are in, is the fact that Jon is now the stay at home parent and Kate is the out of the home worker. Because, Jon says at the end "especially for me". I believe it is a lot of hype for nothing.
On a better note, I loved this episode. Cara got some much deserved one on one time, and Mady seems to be enjoying some alone time, even if it is for her braces. Great choice for Kate, not to allow filming of the braces. That can be tramatic for a child anyway. I loved how Cara missed her mom and siblings. Just goes to show they are a close family.
Just a thought about the "mystery" leading up to the season finale.
I wonder "if" Jon's Mom or stepdad is ill? That could be why he's spending so much time there? Since Jon doesn't work, it makes sense that he would be able to devote the time to taking care of them instead of his other siblings.
When Kate says, "...we're working on it..." could mean they are trying to work out a schedule with Jon at his Mom's and Kate at home.
I don't know. I'm hope it isn't marital problems. I guess we'll find out on Monday. I'm sure the ratings will be off the charts on Monday.
SHAME ON YOU, TLC!!! They are just adding fuel to the fire in order to capitalize on this family. I remember them doing similar stuff with the Roloff's as well. How incredibly hurtful on their part. As much as I love watching J and K, I wish that they could get out of the next season's contract on the basis that their own employer is trying to slander them too by alluding to a failed marriage. TLC should be looking out for the welfare of their "stars" and try to assist them in putting this garbage behind them. J and K can't trust anyone in their lives to stand behind them. It must be such a lonely place to be...All the more reason to trust in each other.
I have complete faith that J and K meant every word of their renewal vows to each other. Even if the stress of it all is getting to them, I can't see either one of them giving up on each other.
Now, if J or K read this blog, my message to you is...Do what you need to do to have happiness, fulfillment, family and friendship in your lives and forget the rest! You are a beautiful and loving family then and now!
I can't BELIEVE how much people are trash talking them right now! I am so angry about all the reports about "Jon flirting with two girls in a bar" and then getting drunk and bad talking Kate. It's SO unbelievable, and I will be truly disappointed if they do get a divorce, because I think they're both awesome people and I don't want to stop thinking that. Also I think it was cut to make it look like they were splitting up, they probably just took clips from the interviews where they were talking about how they weren't gonna split up.
Anyway, awesome blog posts. :) I still love this site!
I was panicked until I read the tiredmama comment, but I think she hit the nail on the head. Anyway, the clips of them in the interview during the preview didn't look like two people who had just agreed to divorce- they seemed far too calm and normal for that. But you never know. Either way, I wish them the best, whatever happens.
I would like to start by saying that I do like visiting both this site and Gosselins Without Pity, so I can get a feel for both sides of the fence..I think GWOP can be a little extreme but they do bring up valid points, as does this site. I thought that there was nothing wrong with Jon taking just Cara on the trip. It was really sweet to see the two bonding. However,those of you who think that Kate actually took seven kids to a show by herself must be sniffing glue.It's called staying out of the camera's view. No one in their right mind would take on such an endeavor, and I know from experience. However, it was really cute to see Kate and the kids interact with the characters. And when Kate asked Alexis if she was going to marry Elmo, that was just priceless. However, when Hannah threw a fit in the parking lot was just astounding. It is obvious that she is favored by Kate and is used to getting what she wants. My 5 year old son knows better than to ever do something like that. Overall, I thought it was a cute episode. But there was some tension on the couch between Jon and Kate.
If this couple fails in their marriage, I am not watching TLC anymore. The teasers they are advertising are in extremely poor taste, IMHO. They are preying on all the gossip out there about this family for ratings. That is so disgusting to me.
I, too think they are committed to one another and they do abide by their commitment to each other. I am not believing they are divorcing or anything like that.
As for Hannah, I think we all relate to each of our kids a bit differently. I relate to my daughter differently than my son. My daughter was always very soft spoken, knew her place, well mannered, etc. I just relate to her differently, I don't prefer or favor her, I just need more energy for my son. Hannah is always by Kate's side, has been since she was a little girl. Mady is so naughty, I think she is a high maintenance child that is stressed by the cameras and wanting attention all the time. That doesn't make her bad, it just makes her Mady... Before you get all crazy on me...............
My son is like that. No matter what, he is like velcro, wants every minute of my time, if it is negative or positive he cares not. (he's grown now and sadly still that way quite a lot) I think Mady is the same way.
I think she gets too much press. I prefer not to see her petulence, but I think TLC shows her to get ratings. I get all crazy when I see her acting so bad, which is what the producers expect the viewer to feel. But I don't like it at all, and I don't think it is a reflection on J&K's parenting skills. Because I have been there, I know that some kids are more spirited and strong willed.
I support the family, I am not looking forward to Table for 12. It's like anything else, they have a show that is a success and they try to saturate the market. It's too much for me.
Squat Monkey! go squat under your bridge like usual, you ugly dirty littel troll
Okay, enough with the name calling....seriously, must everyone fall from grace when it comes to defending your point? That's ridiculous, if you are going to make a point, do so, with respect, regardless of the other person's behavior. Babymama, keep it together for the integrity of your site. Please. And can we please stop with the name calling, the use of trolls, haters etc. is getting old. It makes this site seem just as mean, negative and juvenile as GWOP can be. Come on!
Momoffour~ I appreciate that you came to our site to post your comments. And yes sometimes I get pissed off and I yell at trolls to stay off this site with their nastiness because they have other places they can go to spew hate. However, since this is my site, and this is my personality, you may from time to time see this occur. I do hope that this does not affect the integrity of my site, but if it does so be it.
I removed said bickering posts. But I am me, the best that I can be.
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