Jon & Kate Just Ate ... Together
Nothing says "My husband ain't divorcin' me" like a dinner for two at Mr. Chow -- so amid rumors of the split, the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" couple had a very public date night last night in Beverly Hills. TMZ is all over it. You may have to watch a short commercial first. Thanks! 3KMOM! Jon & Kate: Click to watch
Emeril Spills The Beans Via Twitter
Leave it up to of all people Emeril Lagasse to spill the beans on Jon & Kate's season 5 before the season finale ever aired. Someone found this on his Twitter (which I never knew existed). View HERE. Basically its about the 100th episode! "Wow my friends just finished filming Jon & Kate their 100th episode, what a cool family & cute kids!" What is it about this Twitter craze that everyone must now know everyone's business every second! (lol)
One Final Note.....
With literally hundreds of blogs out there that have Jon & Kate posts, so many people keep stating how hard it is to be a fan of the show and comment about it. Everyone says they feel like they'll get attacked and they do. You have every right to get on any blog (or hive as I call them lol) you want and say how you feel about the show. Make honey with the rest of them One particular blog was wondering why there were no fans giving them reason to change their minds on how they feel. But yet these places tend to get super territorial quick and don't take well to the newbies. And while you should never feel the need to change any ones mind or explain yourself, you do have the right to go where you choose and partake in the party.
Well, halleluhah! I think their religion keeps them committed. I know it does me and my hubby. You can't walk away when you are married in the eyes of our Lord.
Good news. Is there supposed to be a video with this post?
The "click to watch" does not work.
Jill~ Sorry I had a huge mishap trying to post this and trying to bathe the kids!
CBB~I am re-submitting your post here. Thanks for your constant support!
"Now the paps from TMZ are trying to get comments from them!?!? This just proves my theory from the March 6th magazine articles discussion we had, I said...
"The only thing these articles prove is that Jon and Kate have reached celebrity status..."
At least they have each other to get through all of the media circus that seems to be awaiting them. That would be very difficult."
I hate this...they are on TMZ now? That just means they've become too much of a celebrity. Love the show but I don't watch them to watch celebrities, I watch them to see ordinary people.
Okay so I googled the restaurant; Listen to this review, doesn't Mr. Chow sound amazing?:
"The Peking duck is served in the traditional, centuries-old manner. Diced squab, eaten folded into lettuce leaves, and black peppered lobster, are other house favorites."
OMG my mouth is watering! Here's the rest of the review:
The high profile clientele includes celebrities, entertainment industry movers-and-shakers, and a corps of hip artists and connoisseurs who identify with the owner, designer-painter-collector Michael Chow, a self-proclaimed Renaissance Man. Be forewarned, the dinner you have at Mr. Chow's can easily turn into one of the most expensive Chinese meals you've ever had."
I wonder if there were other celebrities eating? It is Beverly Hills after all. Does anyone know why they're in California? Is there a speaking event?
...after thinking it over, I agree with Organic Girl on this one!
You know your life has changed when TMZ is filming you, as you leave a fancy restaurant with the zipcode 90210!
I'd say it's a matter of time before they're living in California, with how much Kate hates winter! (And loves tanning!)
On March 11, Emeril flew to PA to shoot 100th episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8. He made chili mac and cheese, baked salmon w/lentils and brought organic brownies. I guess they answered their own question to do Season 5 before Season 4 finale even aired.
I'm so happy!!! I have been kind of sad since Monday since I thought there may not be another season. I look forward to every Monday. It's the one time I can shut off my brain and get rid of all my stress. :)
Here's another video on Jon & Kate from access hollywood . . it's kind of a sad one for those of us that are fans, but thought i'd share it with you, so you know what a body language expert thinks. . . :( don't get me wrong though, I am a HUGE jon and kate fan!
I'm not sure if you could see the link on my last post.
Just go to the nbcphiladelphia website and search jon and kate's
I barely have time to comment lately but just wanted to say HI and I still love your blog! :)
The only reason this proberly started was when intouch and star magizine found that pick of Jon and made a big deal about, seriously I don't think everyone would be saying that they are getting a divorce and the show is stopping. Before everyone found out Jon was at a bar, everything was fine before this, they just got their vows renwed everything was great intil they found the picture. I really hope the Gosselin's can get through this and they keep filming!!
Did you know they were on access hollywood today?
They had a guy on their body language and showing how bad their marriage has gotten!
Can people not just believe that things are going well... this guy was saying that since she was playing with her wedding wing at one point that it means they are in rocky waters... what the heck! Doesn't every women play with their wedding rings?
And he was saying that since they were sitting so awkwardly on the chair they apparently did not want to be sitting there together... did she not just mention in that same episode that it was an awkward chair to sit in?
Kate looks confused when the TMZ guy talks to her. Like, "oh wait... you're talking to me?"
And about the body language guy: They admitted in the episode that Jon doesn't really want to keep going but Kate does. I could say anything she does is indicating that they are having a disagreement about that issue and I'd be right. It's not that big of a stretch. I do think body language reading is pretty accurate, it's just that this guy wasn't very good.
I'm really happy they decided to do a season 5 though.
Ohh~ I just wanted to add that Jon & Kate went out to dinner for her BIRTHDAY at Mr. Chows. A few Facebook readers saw her with the kids at T.G.I.Fridays tonight for her actual birthday! Happy Birthday Kate!
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