Also lets wish Kate a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.......Uhh thats why they were at Mr. Chows.....DUH (lol) Rumor has it that they went with the kids to T.G.I. Fridays tonight!
Young Women LOVE Jon & Kate Plus 8!.....Read the article from the BaltimoreSun.com
TLC's hit reality show Jon and Kate Plus 8's season finale Monday night was the highest-rated episode in six demographics. The show was watched by 4.6 million viewers and ranked first among all ad-supported cable in the 9:30 p.m. half-hour among HH, W25-54, P18-49, W18-49, and W18-34.
But where was Jon? It was Kate and the kids at TGIF.
Happy Birthday Kate from The Crabtree's in MO!!
Debra said...
In the "mist"? In the "MIST"? IN THE "MIST"?!!!!
Debra go back to GWOP (and please stay there) . Check out some of their postings. My favorites are the "effeminate" Statue of Liberty, or the word "midaswell". Leave us alone, she only forgot the d.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Kate!
See this is what totally pisses me off about trolls! They read my site, then have the audacity to nitpick about spelling errors and THEN take the info over to a hate site! Like THEY found all this great new info themselves. Stop ripping off my stuff and coming here as the grammar police!
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