Jon & Kate On Access Hollywood...Who Believes Body Language Experts?
Well some do and some don't. I guess you need to watch this and make up your own opinion about whether you feel Mark Stevens comments were accurate. Are you like me, and feel that sometimes you too could have body language with your partner/spouse like that and it not mean anything more than your just tired and cranky?? HMMM Thank you Kelly!
Will There Be A Season 5? We DO Have A One Hour Special To Look Forward To!
Well on yesterdays post it was revealed that they have already apparently done several episodes already for season 5. Emeril Lagasse spilled the beans a few weeks even before the finale aired that he was doing a cooking show with Jon & Kate. Well now Entertainmentweekly.com (via the Hollywood Insider) spilled the beans that they do have several shows in the can and that a "Going Green" Special featuring Jon & Kate will be airing April 19th.
"For now, TLC won't officially say whether a fifth season is in the cards, though it's certainly something the network wants. "Jon and Kate are part of the TLC family and we obviously want them to be happy," says a TLC spokeswoman. "The top priority is to let them have some quality time together." She added that production can -- and will -- accommodate the family's schedule. The prospect of losing the hit program couldn't come at a worse time for TLC, especially since the March 23 finale of Jon & Kate Plus 8 was the show's highest-rated episode ever among overall viewers (4.6 million), persons 25-54 (2.3 million), and women 18-49 (2.1 million). Eager to monetize the show's stellar ratings, TLC would no doubt love to go into its New York upfront presentation for advertisers April 2 with the news that it'll bow a fifth season of Jon & Kate as early as this June -- that is, unless something changes with the family."
Entertainment Weekly Review For Jon & Kate Season Finale And The New Table For 12
Entertainment Weekly's Jon & Kate Articles normally give me a headache when I read them because of the ridiculous comments that usually come after them. However I was particularly interested in the one HERE simply because it summed up EXACTLY how I felt about the series Table For 12:
"What made Jon & Kate so fascinating in its first season was simply the stuff of organization -- the how-they-feed/clothe/organize-the-kids stuff. Table for 12 did little to establish the children's personalities last night. But parents Eric and Betty Hayes seem like very nice people, and the show handled the presentation of four-year-old Rebecca, who has cerebral palsy, with restraint, not exploitive sentiment. The episodes were, overall, edited in a rather dull way."
Will this show keep us entertained until the maybe-maybe not season 5 of Jon & Kate Plus 8? I guess we will have to wait and see.
Love the picture. Happy for you that the pace of today has allowed you some time to blog. Enjoy your evening.
It seems I might be the only fan in the country that took Jon's comment of 'maybe we'll be back maybe we won't' as a joke!?!? IMO he seemed to say it fasciciously and was obviously kidding. Plus they had already said on Oprah Season 5 was starting on May 2nd, so all of this speculation building in the media seems unfounded to me.
I watched the clip again and I agree with you CBB. At first I thought he was serious but when I watched it again, I feel he acted like he was kidding. I can't wait for the new season to start!
Baby Mama can you give us some more info on the pic. I mean where were they? What was it for?
Hi, I feel that table for 12 is exactly how Jon and Kate plus 8 started out, nice family, trying to live a normal life yadda yadd yadda, they are a nice family but whoa, those kids are crazy compared to Jon and Kate's kids but they seem okay. And ny the way 3KMOM all I know about the pick is that they are with Reba and Kelly Carson from the show Reba on lifetime.
When Kate spoke in London, she mentioned they had filmed a few epi's already of season 5.
I don't know about all the touching of the ring and neck stuff but go back and watch early episodes of the show during interviews then compare to the episodes from this season. There is a shift away from each other. Could be just the stress level of the way they do the show now versus the way they used to do it.
Thats Kelly Clarkson from American Idol, she was never on the Reba show. Those two did a duet together and have collabarated on all kinds of things. I think they have a company together. Looks like they just went to a show or something.
Babymama, what does
"Jon and Kate Plus 7" mean on your title to the post??
My 2 girls~ hahaha OMG That was total Baby Mama blunder moment, it TOTALLY wasn't supposed to say that, I'm changing it now! And Jon, Kate and the girls went to see Reba and Kelly Clarkson for the kickoff for their 2 Worlds 2 Voices Concert Tour in January.
read the article here:
Love the picture of the family w/Reba & Kelly. They look so happy.
Looking forward to your new site!!!
Not really a comment about this post, more of an observation-- I saw a commericial on TLC today about a contest. It asked for people to notify them with families that they believe deserve a TV show. And the winner's show be premier in June [I think it was June]. I'm sure it wouldn't be a series just yet, more like a 1 hour special. But, I hope that they aren't trying to fill J&K+8's spot...
jk8fan- I compeltely agree with you about how different the Haye's kids act compared to the Gosselin kids! No offense to the Hayes family, but the Gosselin kids are much more well behaved and they seem more disciplined.
I love keeping up with your blog! I'm going to see Kate speak next week so hopefully I will have a picture for you! I love this family and wish them all the best!
Actually, Kelly was on Reba's show in January of 07 http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00006646.html
I liked the Table for 12. It just seemed like a "normal" family. My husband cracked up at the husband. They reminded us alot of our family minus about 5 kids lol
Whatever mister body language expert. LOL :) IMO, Jon just needs to find something to do. It was all great a couple of years ago, when he liked the camera crew in the house and he was the one going to work. I am sure the recent tabloid crap is what has him in this little tizzy. Which was awful, but they are celebrities, and as low and snaky as it is, that is the paps for ya. I am happy for Kate. It is funny how the others knock her down, but she is the one booming with the career. I do hope the break will help them get all the mess sorted out and we once again see the darlings on TV.
I just thought I would post this about my day (lol). I made my husband go back home to pick up the literally 5 coupons a week I get from Bed Bath & Beyond when we went there today. Using each coupon for our bedding saved me $63! I even had an extra one to use for my daughters Kooky Pen. I was so happy that Kate was on the brain today, she saved me a bundle..
Let the laugh all they want Kate (lol) I know why I'm your biggest saving fan!
Tiffany, Did you get lost on your way to oz? This is afan site. No one is brainwashed or making excuses. We like the show and are happy for them. Now go away and play with the other side.
Baby Mama, To funny. I have walked back to the car, or went home to get my coupon pack. LOL.
I too enjoyed the genuineness and atmosphere in the Hayes household. I think one reason they were chosen for a show is that they are so different from J&K. The kids remind me of my next door neighbors, the kids down the block, and my own large family. I enjoyed the change of pace from the predictableness of J&K's show.
I hope that J&K are enjoying their more relaxed shooting schedule, can spend time with each other mending any cracks in their relationship and can spend more quality time with the kids. If I were them, I'd jump for joy going places and doing things without a production crew in tow. There's no doubt they'll be back for season 5 and I hope it's with a renewed vigor for doing the show. IMO it was getting stale and the storyline was a bit too predictable to hold my interest. I think there's room for both shows since they bring such different lifestyles to the viewers.
Hey Baby Mama! I saw your comment on my blog (re:using the picture of J&K at the concert). Thanks for letting me know. I got to meet them and was SO excited, but I had no idea everyone else would be too! :-)
Regarding the body language expert.... I used to think some of the same things about their body language. But at the end of this season when they explained how uncomfortable their chair has been I finally "got it" and stopped worrying about them. We have great furniture, and my husband and I like to sit closely, but sometimes if we're in the wrong place on the couch, it stresses my back in a weird way. I don't know how to explain it, but when they talked about their chair and how it had been retro-fitted with supports but was so uncomfortable, I totally understood. I think if you add physical discomfort to their lack of comfort with PDA it explains everything!
I think the Hayes kids are way better behaved than the Gosselins and they don't wear bibs or sit in high chairs. Dad actually goes to work, mom dresses the kids herself and gets them to school. No screaming and yelling (from mom). And they have a Grandmother in their lives.
Seriously, who cares whether they have a grandmother in their lives! Why is that supposed to make a difference? See comments like these are what I find so frustrating. Wait till Table For 12 has been on for a while and people will be hating on them like they do the Gosselins. Is Kate a bad mother all of the sudden because you have no idea whether she dresses her kids in the morning? Again how does that produce a bad mother?
Screaming every once in a while does NOT make you a bad parent. And for the record, just because Mrs. Hays is not showing you screaming on camera DOESN'T mean its not done. And the Gosselin children are no better or worse behaved then those other sextuplets, they are kids. And wonderful ones at that!
I'm watching the Hayes on Rachel Ray right now. I thought at first that the Gosselin kids were better behaved. But OMG, these kids are behaving AMAZINGLY!
I loved the Gosselins and still wish them the best. I'm not a hater, I've just gotten sad about some of the dynamics I perceive are evolving and am beginning to think a TV show was bad for the family. I am happy for them and their success, but am beginning to worry for them as a family. I hope they remain able to handle success and fame and I think it'll be good for them financially if they do.
I love the Hayes family too, especially after watching them this morning. Seriously. They're so zen and the parents seem to truly love parenting and having such a large family. They seem good at "not sweating the small stuff." Everyone seems so happy.
See I agree with everything you said except the part about it being bad for the family. These children have been exposed to so many wonderful things and now their futures will be taken care of. I could only dream of having that financial stability. Isn't the Hays & the Duggar families doing the same thing?
Lets hope that they're will be a new happier family for season 5! Even though some of the shows have already been filmed (lol) After those I mean!
I am not a big fan of Kate, but I do like the way their show is presented as opposed to the Hayes show. The biggest example is the Hayes show's emphasizing the one tup's handicap; for every mention of Rachel or Kieran there are 3 mentions of Rebecca, the handicapped child. True, none of the Gosselin kids has a severe handicap, but Kate has dealt with Mady's dental issues and Aaden's glasses on the show, then moved on. TV is supposed to be entertaining, and I am more entertained by the Gosselin kids' antics than I am by watching a severely handicapped child! That does not entertain me one bit.
First time reader on the blog, as my wife and i were very curious whether they have a 5th season or not.
I just wanted to comment about the comment above me and to let everyone know of the correct terminology. "Handicapped" is an archaic description of a person's disabilities. It implies that the disability defines the person, and it should not, especially in children. Please use "disabled" or "[Person] with disabilities" when you describe such people. As someone with a disability myself, I know that it does mean a lot, especially to a child, not be labeled with no other information.
Granted, this is more effective in interpersonal communication, rather than online, but good habits can start here too =)
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