B-Ball & More
Yay the episode is here! How interesting that it seems they were JUST on Oprah and here they are getting ready for the even. Is it me or do I feel like they edit these in 2 days? Kate talked about her change in her appearance finally. Like we need any more ammo for the trolls on Kate's fashion evolution. I personally LOVE the way she looks. Why is she only not relateable if she dresses in sweats and look harried? Its so funny to say that I knew (or at least I think I did) the exact Gymboree store she was at. It was cool that she went in and commented about the clothes she like there and discussed what the kids like to wear since I am at the EXACT stage now with my kids. We also got to see her shopping at Ann Taylor for the beautiful blouse that she wore last week for her recent speaking appearance! I also understood how hard it is to do something via satellite, as they were doing, with the kids trying to be still polite and calm when they cant hear or relate to whats going on. They went to get haircuts for their Oprah appearance from their home and I was glad to see that all the kids were happy they looked nice, because it was off to the Harlem Globetrotters! Who knew that they were such huge fans of the show!
But there was NO HUGE booing. Liars! As far as the Harlem Globetrotters outing, I have to say I spoke to two people that went to the vent. There was NO booing and that was all made up by the haters. Apparently there were a few upset people that The Special Needs Children were not asked to come on the floor as well but I honestly didn't see anything like that..The Harlem Globetrotters are, as everyone else, huge fans of the show. So the fact that the kids got to spend half-time meeting them seemed like a real treat. Cara going onto the Court was so cute, it seemed like she felt really special and it looked like everyone had a great time. I mean, what this did for them was HUGE, as most people I spoke to didn't even know they were still around. It made me want to go see them, that's for sure!
I was also happy that they addressed the "helper" that they have and explained that she is not a nanny. I feel that a helper is part-where a nanny is more full-time. I respect that fact that she does not want to be on camera.
Family Outing
"Get Me A Paper Towel!" Well I was excited personally to see Family Outing because of the interest of the Please Touch Museum. I wanted to know it it would be worth it to take the hike to have the kids enjoy it. I personally having young children to not like to go anywhere where they will go get messy and paint. So I was super proud of Kate for handling their paintings so well that they were making for Daddy while he was away. Going to paint at that canvas place looked really fun, and I hope to do something like that with my kids someday. Also I really LOVED seeing the kids at the Museum, it looks like a really fun place to take the kids! The Ferris wheel looked like a real hit! (This was obviously when Jon was off with his mom and all of the "photos" went down). And this was, as most of us speculated, what he was going to talk about. I personally was very happy that he was going to address what was going on. Whether or not anyone will believe the truth, or just be nasty just to put them down, I never thought Jon wasn't going to discuss what was going on and address the rumors. Lo and behold, 3 minutes left of the show, my baby starts screaming with a wet diaper and I missed the last 3 minutes of the show. But as speculated, it was I heard the "best" cliffhanger that they could have done for the show. What do you think? UPDATE: OK, in between life I finally sat down and go to watch the end of the show. I was really upset that they took down their interview room! I plan on taking it myself and putting in my own basement. How sad? They were really going for the full emotional tug of the heartstrings. Jon unhappy with not being able to have a life outside of just being a stay-at-home dad. Kate finally happy with where she is but he isn't. Ive been there and it was just devastating for me to see. The poor guy cant even have a fun night out without people ripping it apart as something else. My heart bleeds for them but I am confident that they will get through this. I really wish Jon had something to call his own so that he, like so many stay-at-home moms out there, could feel fulfilled. Kate currently has a little time at home now and I hope that they are spending the time alone together doing something fun with the kids! I wish them all the best!
Real Reality Families
Well everyone on every site seems to be talking about this GMA Clip, so feel free to watch their promo story about all the TLC Reality Families with a Promo for Table of 12. Does it make you feel any different about these families?
So I've been reading this blog for a while now, I've just been too lazy to actually get an account to comment. But I've fianlly done it and would like to give you a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! When I saw that Kate would be coming to TWO locations near[ish] me I almost passed out! I'm so glad she's making it out to California! She's got big fans over here [well, in my city at least] and I am so excited to have the opportunity to meet her! Hopefully my friend and I will be able to ditch school and have an awesome story to come back and share!
I hate season finales all they do is leave a cliff hanger. I can't wait to see what happens next when the new season starts.
finally a blog that doesnt tick me off!! i stumbled across the "gosselins without pity" blog and it made me so mad!! if they r all a bunch of haters then y do they sit and watch the show and pick apart every little detail!? get a frikken life!!
"Maybe we'll be back, maybe we won't"
What does that mean?
I feel so bad for Jon, I really do, but I hope that they can iron things out [like Kate said] and can get through this tough time.
I just checked their site and I couldn't believe how horrible all those people are being. I just can't imagine hating someone that much when you really don't even know them!
Hmmm, I'm on the fence with this one LOL I agree with Laura it could be all about a good 'ole fashion cliffhanger, but clearly if Jon is any kind of Actor then he's a pretty good one, he seemed very genuine in the things that were coming out of his mouth, honestly I haven't really seen him talk like that in a interview scene so with all the what if's about tv land and scripted this and editing that I came away with it thinking, they did include the last few minutes separately and the 2 just spoke their mind if it was edited/scripted we'll not know . The whole faded walking separate ways thing was odd, Season 4 Good Riddance style I dunno, I expected more from them :( It seems they're all a bit over it, with the exception of Kate who is content in the present. I Dunno I think it's gonna be a big comment fest BabyMomma LOL! Grab a glass of wine ;) I still enjoy watching Jon & Kate + 8 and if Season 5 is in the future I'll be watching. Til then it's off to Orlando in October to see Kate! i hope you do keep going Babymomma I think they'll be many more Kate sightings and family updates to come ESPECIALLY after it ended the way it did you'll have us all up to date Thank You for all your awesome entries on Season 4 Job Well Done~GGF
One thing stood out to me tonight: Kate is very controlling!
Hannah wanted to get some length cut off her hair, Kate said no.
Kate decided which COLORS the kids could paint with, although she said she didn't care either way.
The saddest part: Jon said in the final minutes how he isn't happy working from home. Kate is the happiest she's ever been. So I'm guessing season 5 will happen against Jon's wishes.
It makes me sad, really. Everyone deserves happiness, to do something that makes them feel happy. Jon is unhappy.
Well I was definitely happy that Jon addressed the tabloids..he does seem frustrated that maybe him going out discredits all he does as a father and husband. I was happy to see that they seemed content with each other. Kate didn't seem uncomfortable with what he was saying, like I didn't sense any animosity between them. Kate is a little more used to the mother role and that she holds that label and she is okay with that, while Jon is seeing that he has basically lost his own identity. He is seen to most as "Jon and Kate plus 8", not just a father in his thirties.
I still respect the both of them, I hope the trust between them builds and that they withstand all the media and haters throw at them.
About the episode itself, I love that this family gives me ideas on fun things I can do with my own children. I really hope I can find a "Please Touch Museum" close to me. Kate is supermom for me for staying organized and keeping it together.
As for the new show, I respect any one with that many children esp. one with disabilities, but it does make my head spin. (Feels more like how my childhood was with eight kids) I like the controlled chaos Kate deals with a little better..
I just finished watching the show! Glad to hear Jon speak about the situation. Good for him. Hated that TLC hyped it up so much. People are allowed to go out and have a few drinks and shouldn't have to explain it to the whole wide world. When he's not filming that is his business. Plain and simple.
I can't wait to see the new season, and the new set. Remember when they went to West Edmonton mall in Alberta Canada? Where was that episode? Maybe it's coming up in Season 5?? Hopefully Kate will come to Vancouver, BC Canada! I would love to see her!!
Hey Deb,
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi.... I just got done writing my blog for tonight's show... hope you will stop by and leave a wise word or two... :^D
I sure hope Jon and Kate will be able to work things out. I actually feel for Jon... Kate is definitley more comfortable in front of the camera. I am the same way, but my husband is not. So that can be very hard for a relationship.
You are doing a great job on here... keep up the great work...
Hugs, Laura
I know everybody here hates my comments but I am afraid either they stop the show or the marriage will end.
Jon is one unhappy man.
I have to hop in here. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this family. As a mom to five myself, I am thankful to have seen the past four season's of this family. I have learned so much! I don't think Kate is mean or hateful at all. I think she is a mom of 8 and wants to give her kids the world. I love Jon. I love his humor and candidness. I am SO ECSTATIC they are okay! If we will be blessed to watch a season 5 so be it. If not, well THANK YOU for the past 4 seasons!
Hello! I love your blog and inspired me to make my own! I loved the ending! I just didn't like how TLC made the finale seem so "scary". It seems as though their marriage isn't really crashing. Read what I wrote:
I felt very sad for Jon. He's unhappy and Kate's the happiest she's ever been. And it will be all Kate's fault. ;) She seemed understanding and they were both very candid.
Kate is controlling of her kids, but she's the Mommy. That's her right if she wants them to use certain colors. I don't like how she ordered Jon to put one of the paintings down. She very much treats him like one of her kids. It's understandable, you have 8 kids to take care of and discipline and maybe she just doesn't see how she acts towards him.
I think they will do one more season and I think they will be done.
First of all thank you for making this blog. I have watched Jon and Kate +8 since the very beginning. I never even imagined that people out there would "hate" them. I just saw it as a way to decompress after a busy day, and watch them and fall in love with their family. I can honestly say that I was nervous about tonights episode,and all the hype. But after watching and listening to what they had to say I felt relieved that they are seriously thinking about what to do in the future. I hope they really talk it out, and make a decision based on their needs as a couple and a family. I would really miss seeing them weekly, and watching the kids grow up, but they have to do what is best for them and no one else. Keep up the great work, I have enjoyed all you have done for us that love this family!
Every marriage hits a rough patch every now and then and Jon and Kate's is no different, except for the fact that they are in the public eye on a constant basis.
Personally, I don't think that their marriage is on the rocks, but going through some changes, as every marriage goes through.
Yes, Kate can be a bit controlling, but she has to run a large brood of kids under the age of 8.
As for the new reality show that debuted after Jon and Kate's show, it was kinda neat. A little different pace from the hectic Gosselin household.
IT seems Jon doesnt want to continue. BUT kate wants to and she said she LOVES her job and its the best job being at home. Jon doesnt agree being home is the best job in the world. SO I noticed that was episode 128 but the globtrotters was episode 135...... looking at it that way jon even agreed that Kate and her changing outlook on shopping and getting a better dressed look would be a great Episode ...... so it made me feel maybe he had changed his mind except that in the final episode they had signed the wall........ and that was not on episode 135 so how does that figure in. ?????
What cliff hanger? I didn't see a cliff hanger at all. I saw TLC coach Jon and Kate to make it sound like "maybe" they'd be back, and "maybe" they wouldn't - but at the beginning of the final segment, Kate very clearly said they were ready for Season 5. True, she made a face, and said something like "I think" after she said they were ready. But they both admitted that they loved what the show has done for their lives a and the lives of their children. They admitted also that it has made certain things difficult - like being out in public, and people expecting them to always be the characters from their tv show, instead of just Jon or just Kate. And I loved that Jon discussed the fact that he is having a hard time with people taking pictures of him while he's out in public, and "doing what they have to do with them" - meaning, spreading them all over the internet, with all sorts of lies attached to them so rumors can start flying. Jon and Kate are just fine, and their kids are just fine. Their marriage is just fine too - and I personally think TLC should be ashamed of themselves for playing the clips of J&K fighting, while playing some snippets of tape from the final couch interview, with the voiceover saying "It all comes down to this"....making it sound like their marriage was in shambles. Nothing could be further from the truth!!! They didn't say anything like that - just that it has been hard with the success of the show, being out in public, and that Jon is having a tougher time dealing with it than Kate is. So what? They'll get over it, and their show will be back. And all the haters can keep on spewing their garbage, and all the clowns out there can take all the pictures of them that they want, and start all the rumors they want. The bottom line is, it's a successful tv show with a ton of loyal viewers - both regular people and celebs - and it isn't going anywhere until J&K decide they have had enough. And I for one, and very glad they haven't reached that point yet!!! I love their family, I love those beautiful kids, and I love watching their show!! Can't wait for season 5!!
Oh, and the Please Touch Museum IS just as awesome as it seemed on tv! I've been there with my kids a couple of times - my brother used to live right near there, so we would go whenever we visited him. It is such a fun place!!! I highly recommend it if you're nearby!!
Well. . . I'm not sure how i felt about last night's episode. I am huge Gosselin fan's (I stood in line for well over 2 hours to meet Kate in December) but last night made me upset for Jon and the whole family. I think what I'm feeling right now is that if Jon is really upset, which I believe what he says comes from his heart, and doesn't know if they should do the show anymore. . . maybe they really should stop doing it. I think it only takes one person to be upset to have to stop taping seasons, and just go back to "semi-normal life" for the rest of their lives. It makes me upset that the kids and jon and kate are always going to be known as "jon & kate + 8", but unfortunatly I think their right. I'm going to be anxious to see what happens, and if they do have a season 5. I think that if they do end up having a season 5, it will be the last. The kids are growing up and Jon is visably not extremely happy like he was in the beginning one or two seasons. I thought at the end it was really nice to see Jon and Kate sign their interview walls and say goodbye to season 4, hopefully we'll be seeing more interview walls in a few months. . . I wish nothing but the best for this family, as I know you do too, and we're just gonna have to wait it out to see what happens next- let's hope for the best!
I don't think there is anything wrong with their marriage. It is going thru growing pains. They are fine, too many people are supposing about this family. They are in the public eye, but they are fine, I thought they interacted well together, Kate let Jon speak, which is kind of a new thing. He let his feelings be known, she loves what she's doing, he doesn't. So what? It will work out, things like this always do. It was good to see they are still a couple and they are still connected. I for one am not worried about their marriage. If the show ends, then it ends, but I certainly hope it doesn't. And yes, Denise, it must be so sad being you, so negative.
I've always loved this show, but you can see the frustration on Jon's face. I know Kate loves it, but hopefully they can find some compromise like Jon go back to computer work and she cut back on her travels. Once the kids start school full time, i think things will change. I hate to see the show end, but I feel that it's time for their sake. i wish them the best!
CCinCT said....
I have been a viewer since the beginning, and love this show. I have also been reading this blog for a few months and so glad it is here. I don't like however the way TLC chose to make it seem like the marriage was on the rocks...when in fact Jon is clearly unhappy working from home, yet Kate loves where she is at. I can understand both of their viewpoints, and how it has taken a toll for better or worse on the marriage. We have watched these kids grow and change, and how Jon and Kate have controlled chaos, and how we all can respect what they have managed to do. I have noticed in the last 6-8 months how Kate has become a more polished version of herself, with the tan, and loss of weight, and a newly embraced fashion sense, which Jon appreciates. I just love that haircut Kate has!! Has anyone else noticed? It has been a Season of change for them, and we can only hope they have it in them to do one more season! We will surely miss them when they aren't on anymore, but we can purchase the DVD's! As for the "Table for Twelve", well it's like riding on the coat-tails of J&K plus 8. I have no interest. I don't think they have the star quality, and it's a copycat production, which will not satisfy the J&K plus 8 fan club. We are all looking forward to Season 5, with a special encouraging "please" for Jon, for just one more season. Thanks Jon and Kate plus 8, and TLC for creating this great show.
I felt so badly for Jon! Also made me totally believe him since with how Kate is I really doubt she would have acted like she did if it was true. Also there would be a lot more pictures out there if he was at a college party. They all would have camera phones and would sell the pictures.
Anyway I just hope they can find something that works for the whole family and can keep doing the show or at least specials again.
Teresa, thanks, if you can't see that my comment was not mean or hateful, I'm sorry.
Jon is trying to tell Kate something she doesn't want to hear. They are going to have to compromise in some way or everyone will be miserable.
I promise, I only want the best for this family.
Denise, that may be true, but doesn't that make them NORMAL, not destitute or breaking up or anything like that?
In one episode, Kate expressed how she hated having the cameras in the house, and Jon expressed that he loved having them there. She explained it was because he was an estrovert, he expressed his joy in having people around. That didn't make for a ton of negative comments about him controlling her. They stayed on the show and now the tables have turned. Why is it that men can't be at home raising families, what is so wrong with that? I love his laid back approach, I also think it is truly a magnificent thing he gets to connect with his kids on a full time basis. Not many dads know their kids that well, isn't that a joy and a blessing? Isn't it great that they can all bond like that? I really think that God is giving them both a gift. GO JON AND KATE!!
I watched last night with a sense of excitement not a sense of sadness. Because the end of season 4 means the beginning of 5 is soon. I am over the drama. Sometimes when you let your feelings out in a moment doesn't mean that you continue to feel that way or as strongly for that matter. Jon was being open and vulnerable to let us all into his feelings on their life. I think taking time to gain perspective helps. He seems to be a good man and I'm sure he'll do whatever he can to help his family continue to thrive. No I am not saying his feelings don't count or anything like that but I think of all the ways I've sacrificed for my husband as I'm sure there have been times Kate has sacrificed for him. I have no doubt they will work something out for everyone to be happy. Until then lets remember we are all allowed our moments to vent and feel frustrated, that is how it came across to me.
Denise - Your comment may not have been hateful, but your are always putting a negative spin on things.
Jon's unhappiness is obvious. Nobody can deny that, but Kate has every right to express her own happiness with her carrier. And she said that they are "working on it".
I am sure they will make the right decision.
Is anyone else getting a "Bandwidth Exceeded" message when trying to get on www.sixgosselins.com?
Man, I missed a lot. I will have to watch the finale on Sat. But, why did they take down the interview room? Does that mean no more interviews? I am confused...
I enjoy the show although I sit on the fence with the issues most people have a problem with. I guess a better way to say it is that I see both sides of the same coin.
I have just one thing to say to John about his discotentment: GET A JOB. If only for the sole reason of paying a 'nanny' or Aunt Jodi to come and stay with the kids so Kate can do her 'thing.' Then, you'll both be happy and be more like a normal American family!!
I thought that these two episodes were great and for many reasons!!
I loved all the activities that they did with the kids! The kids seemed really happy and to be really enjoying themselves! I also thought that Jon and Kate had a great time too! I loved seeing Kate laugh a the B-ball game and watching her play with the kids at the museum....that was great!
I also really liked how Jon and Kate talked pretty openly and candidly about how each one of them feels at the present. Kate is loving her new role and Jon is "frustrated" that he is now "Jon and Kate Plus 8" and not just Jon Gosselin.
Jon did roll his eyes and toss his head back at the mention of Season 5, but despite that, I don't think that either of them is ready to give up the gig! And I have to agree with some pp that I don't think Kate will let them quit just because Jon is "frustrated". Besides, I think that the pros of continuing the show still out weigh the cons.
And I just had to laugh at TLC and the preview they had been playing for last nights episodes. Did they milk the photo drama or what!!! And why the clips of Jon and Kate fighting in the preview...hmmmm can we say bating viewers.
"Its the best thing and the hardest thing" Kate Gosselin couldn't of said it better!
I know that with God they will work through these struggles and that they will decide what is the best thing for their family!
there's something that has been bothering me so I would like to add my two cents...
Kate working/traveling:
So many people are concerned that she is "away too much" but people aren't necessarily thinking about the schedules. Yes she is traveling but if you look at the dates a lot of times she is working two days out of the week then home the other 5 days. In this scenario it could actually amount to more awake time with the kids than if she was working a standard 40 hour/week day job. Also she was a nurse before, from the sounds of it she enjoyed being a working Mom, so she went from working to being at home (just like Jon is doing now) so she knows it is a big adjustment. She stayed home for 4 years and she did all of the day to day on her own for about 90 of that time, so maybe it is fun for her to have work outside of the home again. Not to say she didn't love being at home, not say she doesn't miss being with kids on the days she's gone...just saying what's wrong with her trying something new. It seems it is important to both of them that kids be home with a parent at all times instead of daycare and they admit they are working on finding a middle ground. My plea is that people should stop judging her for working and stop acting like she doesn't care about Jon's happiness, they are all in it together and I'm sure they will find their way.
One other thing that's driving me crazy: people keep saying "they have enough money now so why don't they spend time with their kids" to all the poeple saying this...unless you can see their bank statements - you don't know thier financial business, so leave it up to them to determine how much they need to earn for their family!!!!
If you can't tell how much they love thiers kids and how much they want to spend time together as a whole family then you obviously haven't seen very many episodes.
OK - I feel better now.
I've read some references to the GWOP blog here. I tried blogging there and my post didn't make the cut. I mentioned that I really hope that the Gosselin children never, ever, read anything on that site. Most of the people over there say stuff about their Jon and Kate that would break the little one's heart if they ever read it. It is just full of name calling and speculations. Thank you for this site.
"Brent, Lisa and Jordan Hall said...
Is anyone else getting a "Bandwidth Exceeded" message when trying to get on www.sixgosselins.com?"
---- Yes I am also getting a Bandwidth Exceeded message, something must be wrong with their site right now, or maybe they are revamping?
Looks like sixgosselins site just came back up.
my2girls~ I think there are many reasons for removing the interview area. I was thinking that it was both for a cliffhanger and for the fact that it was set up in the new house to look exactly like the old one. I am hoping its for a new change. But I dont get it either, because for continuity sake you would think they would keep it. Either way, its sad. Even with new episdoes, I am quite used ot them being behaind that green wall and on that couch.
Laura~I don't agree that in order for Jon to be a part of a "normal American Family" he needs to get a job. I think its more for the satisfaction of those that watch. I mean would a job that he hated that took him away from his kids make him more of a man? People seem to feel that he shouldn't gripe because he doesn't have to work hard like the rest of us. And that's not fair. A mans worth should not be measured on a crappy job just to say he has one. My thought was for him to do something meaningful only for himself, perhaps to get inner peace.
I am also excited to add that I just acquired the rights to a new website URL! Just like Jon & Kate, It will also hopefully have a few nice surprises. So many fans wondered why the sites name was so negative (anti-etc.) and also included references to that OTHER site. So be on the lookout for the new Jon & Kate Plus Eight fan site coming for the new season in May! http://gosselinfamilyfansite.blogspot.com
Most of you said the same things I was going to say, so I'll just add, I enjoyed both episodes. Especially the painting one. I would love to take my kids some place like that, so they could paint pictures for our house, that was really neat.
I also loved the hands on museum, cool idea!
Looking forward to season 5. :) And your new fansite BabyMama.
Dina~Cali~ I missed you, where have you been? This blog is not the same without your constant positiveness! You can't scare me like that again. xoxoxo
I figured all the hype would turn out to be nothing. The one thing that upsets me is to see how their body language has changed. I watched an episode this morning (going to the organic farm) and during the interview Kate was leaning against Jon and he had his arm in back of her. In the latest episodes they don't touch and their bodies turn away from each other. Is the "horrible" chair the problem or do their positions speak volumes? I love the show and hope Jon and Kate can reach a compromise.
hey baby mama, i'm a new follower [: i just wanna know if theres an email address where i can ask questions and what not. like for you or anyone taht can give me answers. its mostly about the b&n appearances. it would be my first time seeing kate so i just wanna know the drill. please let me know! my email is reyes.leah@gmail.com thanks! and i'm already in love with ur blog. i wish i started way earlier!
I also noticed that at the very beginning of the episode where they are talking of taking a break well hubby noticed it frist...... they say they are going to chair try for the new set. cant be a new set if there is no season five!!!!!!
Congratulations on your new blog Baby Mama. Get some well deserved rest during the hiatus.
Baby Mama -- Jon said that he doesn't like to 'work from home.' Everyone knows that a man's pride comes from his job or work. Yes, Jon is proud of his precious children, but that is not fulfilling to him. If he had a job he enjoyed in the IT field I think we would see a change in his countenance.
So excited to see this weeks episode on Saturday :)
I watched Table for 12 on Monday night when I got home and then again last night b/c I missed the first of the two episodes. It was ok. I am still very partial to J&K + 8 and hope that season 5 will return with more answers than questions.
And just a thought--
If Jon and Kate were as awful as the GWOP haters assume they are wouldnt more people from their past come forward? Even people from before there was a show?
I thought that both episodes were great. I feel for Jon and understand where he is coming from. I think a lot of it has to do with the tabloids over the past couple of weeks. They are in a bittersweet situation. I can see where it perhaps is wearing on them; however, I'm sure God will lead them through and they will make the right decisions. Being selfish, I hope they continue for as long as possible, but I will understand if they decide to call it quits. Something in the back of my mind keeps saying that it is just a phase. I'm sure the break between seasons will only do them good and give them a chance to relax (although I don't know how Kate will do that with all her appearances!). I love the show and I love this blog. It has been fun reading everyones reactions to the episodes the other night. It's a shame TLC choose that promo because it really did put a negative spin on things, it's almost like they wanted the drama. I'm sure the show gets enough ratings without the drama, so there was really no need for the promos. I can't help but wonder what Jon and Kate thought of them. I'm wondering when they will announce if there will be a season five??? My fingers are crossed!
Here is a video of Jon and Kate leaving Mr. Chow's. She says they're good!!
In my opinion I think Jon and Kate plus 8 well still be on for awhile. They do get lots of money from the show and you can tell they are going to need it, and if they stop now what will they do for money?And Jon is now a stay at home dad, he doesn't work any more so what will they do?I hope they never stop because I want to see all these beautiful kids grow up.Who knows maybe season 5 could be there last!I hope not, we will have to see!
Sigh...the season is over. I too am selfishly hoping that there will be a season 5. I started watching them to replace the loss of the Gilmore Girls, whom I still miss dearly...so I hope that they have staying power, as I don't know if I can cope with another "loss". hahaha
Anyways, just wanted to through a couple of questions out there...
1. In the Utah interview that Jon gave, he mentioned that we would be seeing some of his/her??? family making an appearance on the show. Did I miss something in season 4? Maybe it didn;t make the cut...
2. Did J and K really come to the West Edmonton Mall? I thought for sure that was just a rumour! I'm about 6 hours away, although I was having a baby right around the time that they were rumoured to be coming, so I MAY not have made it anyway...
Thanks to all you super positive and nonjudgmental people out there!
Loved the episodes. Loved the explanations that were given for the things going on. I liked that Kate told us they did have a sitter and she would not be on camera, to protect her privacy. There was a lot of interaction with the children on both episodes, and that was worth watching alone. I was suprised with Jon's reaction to continuing the show. He did say in an old episode that he enjoyed the people around. It is funny how thing turn around. I think Kate should be proud. She gave up her career to be a stay at home mom. Now she has another career, that suits her to a tee, in my opinion. I only hope that Jon can find something to take up his time. Being in IT, he could run a home business. But, it was nice to see them together and looking happy on the couch. Can't wait for season 5.
Does anyone know of the place that Kate took the kids to-do the canvas painting?
Sunshine~ Im sorry that this took so long to get back to you, but Holly just sent me the info. The place where The Gosselins went to paint was at the Wyomissing Institute of The Fine Arts and you can see the site here:
FYI here in candada at most of the dollar stores you can get really great paint and small pieces of canvas and make your own masterpiece at home. No need to wait until 'some day'!
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