I saw & met Kate around this time (Feb. 12th) and I could tell you FACT: She said she was happy to be getting home and seeing her family and spending Valentines Day with her husband. Now if Star Magazines Dates are correct, he WAS actually with his wife on Valentines day and went out on Feb. 6th & 20th. Did he just go out to have a drink and take some photos with his fans? Jon made a statement that that was all it was. Keep in mind that all Star Magazine has is a bunch of photos. They can basically make up whatever they want from that. That is trash journalism that has lied before. The fact that both these articles came out at the same time, is warfare at its worst. In-touch, doesn't have anything and I completely dis-credit them. All they took was Star's info and re-worded it. I could write better than that. I think. I mean, they posted the same main photo!
Anyway, whatever the situation, this family is human. Those hateful horrible people including that troll Moon has been horrific in what they say about this family. This children's whole existence could be affected for life if this family is torn apart by this. Its sad to think the people would hate on poor Kate so much they were praying for crap like this. To them its the intimate satisfaction, like they win some kind of game. Simply because they are so jealous of this family and for no other reason than that. It makes me sick. I have read on GWOP and other sites how they tell woes of poverty, or not having some stupid new fridge in their life. Is that the reason you continually watch but hate the show? The B.S. they tell of child exploitation is just that. Its only a facade to mask the real issues of just plain green envy. If this shows anything, its that the stress of all the horrible things that are said about this family is starting to take its toll. It breaks my heart. I wish and hope only the best for this family. I do not blame in any way the fans that must have loved to pose with him. I truly feel it was THAT innocent. If I saw a celebrity somewhere I would do the same. I blame those nasty bitter haters. The best revenge for this family would be to stay strong, ignore the gossip and stay on TV for another few years!
Star Magazine & In-touch Magazine Articles: Judge For Yourselves
If you would like to see these enlarged, click STAR & IN-TOUCH. Jon & Kate Plus 8 are finally going to be on Oprah Monday! Look HERE for the preview!. Do you think they will come and FINALLY put the rumors to rest? Hope so, cause that could be the ultimate revenge to those that wanted to see them separate!

Baby Mama, I know you didn't like my post last time. I just would like to say I'm sorry and I understand that you have to delete two of them because this is a fan site. But as a fan myself I just couldn't help to express what I feel and what I've been noticing the past few episodes and what I have found out from other people. Also, I know you can't just believe anything out there but have you ever considered that Kate is probably just trying to make it look as if nothing is wrong?
Anyway, when I posted last time, I'm assuming that Kate is checking out your blog from time to time. And my intention in posting is, it might help Kate realize that her actions is counter productive to having a lasting marriage. You just don't treat your husband like that without any short or long term repurcussions. No way this marriage will survive - it will ultimate collapse even if right now all of this are all rumors - if she doesn't make an effort to change.
Now I still suspect that all of this is true and the the possiblity of them separating or possibly divorce. I'm just hoping that she will do something about her over the top bossiness and controlling ways. And SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP or maybe a MARRIAGE COUNSELLOR to repair the damage. Or else if she stays the same and not make some changes, then divorce is more likely to happen if not right now but in the future. The saddest thing is that the kids are the ones who will suffer the most. JMO.
The kids will suffer no matter if this is true or not! Remember kids do talk. Eight is old enough to hear and understand what you see on the covers of magazines. Even if Mady & Cara do not physically see it, their friends will!
Poor Kids!
By the way..too many news agencies reporting it now..including Comcast. Where there is smoke..there normally is fire!
The Oprah segment has already been filmed. All 10 of them are in it.
This is so sad for those kids whether he did it or not.
I agree with you 100% that this hurts the children and is devastating for them. How horrible must it be for the twins to know that there is horrible trash being written about their parents. But come on COMCAST?? That's hysterical! So if Comcast, (which by the way, isn't that for your cable?) is saying it, then it must be true?? Ugh
UPDATE: I just added to my page that a fan saw Jon & Kate Feb. 25th at the Harlem Globetrotters game. They were fine.
I am pissed about the articles. Yeah, I guess its ok for Jon to go out and blow off steam, if Kate is ok with it. If it were my hubby, I would be really mad. But, we are not famous. I think the pictures are pretty normal looking of him and the girls. If you look at the other pictures of him throughout the articles, he has that same forced grin on his face. He actually looks tipsy in all the pictures. I think the squinted eyes are a trait of his heritage. But, if you look at the other pictures with his family, basically, Jon's expression is the same. Star and In-Touch are the same rag magazines that every other week say Brad and Angelina are splitting, Jennifer Aniston is getting married and pregnant, and Jen and Angie are having a show down. (P.S. Not that I would'nt like to see Jennifer knock those fake lips off Angelina's face:)I can not stand her.) Those magazines are no better than the Gwoppers. They find something and run with it. How about laying some blame on the people who took those pictures. They are the ones who let them out. Looks like to me they are acting like Julie, trying to get their 5 minutes of fame.
Your kidding me right. I just watched the video on comcast and all they are doing is quoting Star Magazine. There was nothing new, just reporting the same BS as told by Star. OMG! Thats enough to convince me. NOT!
The point is whether you believe or don't.
The kids will be effected!
I myself do not believe that Jon did what all these magazines are saying. But with that being said. I grew up in a small town about 10 minutes from Huntingdon Pa. Most of my family resides in that area. My aunt had called me 3 weeks ago. She just had to tell me that Jon had been seen hitting up the bar scene in Huntingdon. He was spotted at the Memories bar and he was said to have not been acting like a married man. This was before all these magazines actually started printing all this garbage. There was suppose to be pictures but the person who "was suppose" to have them refused to send them my way. So just like that the rumor mill starts. A few people say they saw this and that and suddenly its out of control. I said I can't believe it until I see it. So thats when I started searching the internet and found this site. I unfortunatly also found the GWOP site. I am hoping that Jon and Kate come forward soon and put all these rumors to rest. I believe they are good people and deserve their change to speak on what has happened and hasn't happened. Thank you Baby Mama for having a refreshing site that use fans of the show can come to!
Shelley said...
I just watched the video on comcast and all they are doing is quoting Star Magazine. There was nothing new, just reporting the same BS as told by Star. OMG! Thats enough to convince me. NOT!
March 5, 2009 6:46 PM
Exactly Shelley. They are all hack reporters at rag magazines and video places who don't know what true journalism is. They never checked facts. Seedy. Anybody running with the story is only doing so because they think Hack Magazine #1had it, so we have to. That's just a bunch of bunk.
Are these "writers" and "journalists" (and I use that term loosely with these people) so lazy and hard up to steal material? And, not even true material!
As with anything, it is the children who suffer.
Okay, so I am looking at the picture of Jon and those two girls. I have two theories...humor me...
1) Suppose he was at the bar and innocently took a photo. Those two tramps then use it for their advantage. Bottom line, there can be legal action the Gosselins can take against these two clowns.
2). Suppose this picture is actually a photoshopped picture? If you look closely, it seems as if Jon was just stuck there in the middle. I don't know, when I see this picture, it just looks wierd and he looks out of place. Something looks fishy about it.
3). Wasn't it GWoP that promised an incriminating picture would be making its rounds on the Internet?
4). When I clicked on the Star article and pic, above it is a blog entry for Preesi. Isn't Preesi the wench who hates Kate? (or maybe that's just where you grabbed the pic Baby Mama, I don't know).
What I do know, this couple has been dragged thru the mud from evil people. I believe this "story" is total trash.
It's so late, I can't count! :)
Two theories, four points...
I dont know if it is true. But I am almost in tears just reading the articles. It is just so sad to even think about. I pray for their sake, and mostly the kids sake, that everything is ok.
I will see Kate Sunday and will report back on her demeanor.
As a fan of the show it is shocking and sad to read this kind of thing whether it is true or not. I personally believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. All of the people willing to give up their names and the pic in the college newspaper does look incriminating however, I am a firm believer in that just b/c something looks like it is totally true doesn't mean it is. You start peeling back the layers and find out it isn't true in the least. I do hope that this is all made up lies based on a photo and nothing more. We'll see how it plays out though. My heart breaks for the kids. These terrible things being written about their parents is just wrong! No matter what!
Hello Baby Mama, I check your blog often. It is such a wonderful place, so thank you for all the hard work you put into it. I am finally commenting because I am so sick and tired of these rumors.
Okay, here are my top ten grievances with GWOP:
1. They claim to be “for the kids” yet show inadequate evidence for it, or obscure evidence to support this.
2. They pick apart everything. If you give me 24 hours in your house, and I am 100% sure that I can tell them everything they do wrong. I laughed out loud when someone talked about the “Boys Day Out” episode where Kate puts some of the sextuplet girls in the back of grocery cart. Like are you serious? And then they claim it is SO horrible when Kate tells them to take a nap if they are bad. Again, are you serious? I worked at a few daycares and the daycare providers would tell the kids if they were crabby they were taking a nap. Also, with the whole Kate doesn’t like the kids getting dirty, like suck it up, if you had 8 kids and they are all relatively the same age do you know how crappy your house would look if you let them be dirty. You could have marker on your wall, or your house could look like Nadya Suleman’s. With the cleanliness issue, each to his own. It’s not their family, not their life; they’re not going to make a difference.
3. They gossip like teenage girls, yet they claim to be mothers with careers. Do they have nothing better to do with their time? How old are they? And if you are so terribly bored on the weekends, or after your kids go to bed, go OUT, call a babysitter and find something to do. In fact, get a life in general. Plus, gossip is only good when it is true and it is about someone you know personally.
4. They think it is SO offensive that they show the kids potty training and how they need their “secrets.” Yet, if you watch ANY other TLC or Discovery Health documenting a family or some weird disease then you get to see that stuff too. As a matter of fact I was just watching something about triplets and they showed all the triplets in the bath tub, two girls and a boy. Kids need their secrets, but they are little and would gladly give them up. Have you ever worked with children? Well I have, and I can tell you they ask complete strangers to wipe their bottoms, and they leave doors open while they are on the toilet. When I was a kid me and my friends would go into the bathroom together and pee on the toilet and the other kid would just keep talking (I admit it’s weird, but if I ask any number of my friends they can tell you they did too). I just called my friend and asked and she said she and her friends would do it all the time. I am sure your parents show everyone and their mother baby pictures of you learning how to potty train. In my high school yearbook in the “baby pictures” portion for the seniors, they had plenty of nude children. It’s not seen as disturbing, it’s cute… No one makes fun of them because they have a nude photo in the yearbook. They aren’t being filmed when they get older are older. For now they are little children who do not care one bit who sees them or who doesn’t.
5. They hear all these rumors they report as facts. How gullible are they? They believed that whole Pennmommy business, and I am seriously surprised no one figured it out as a scam. As soon as I heard/ saw I was like, wow how could anyone believe that? It made her life sound like a soap opera, again, seriously? Oh and I think GWOP should apologize for believing such outrageous lies. I love how they try to convince us fans that we are stupid and believe everything the Gosselins say. Well sweet peas, I just wanted to inform you that you believe everything you read (Lol think of this rumor about them getting divorced).
6. They dwell on all things negative. Negativity breeds negativity. If you have nothing better to do then trash talk a family, you are not a good person. I learned from experience. I did not like this one kid, and I would go on about it forever until I realized I sounded like a complete and utter fool doing it. I no longer dwell on stuff like that, and I have become much more pleasant. (I am so sorry if this post sounds super negative, but I wish GWOP and people like that would just stop being childish).
7. If you don’t like the show, don’t watch. Don’t they tell us fans if we don’t like what we read, then don’t read it? It’s your choice. And I really don’t understand. Inconsistency, sweet hearts.
8. I lol how they all want fame. They do, whenever something changes on the show it is because they did it. Good job to you, except the fact that you did squat, and J&K don’t even believe you.
9. For some off reason every time I see GWOP I think “SQUACK!!!!”
10. Stop being jealous for everything they have. You are the jealous nosy neighbor like Agnes from Bewitched (I think it was Agnes, yeah I don’t know). Hahaha, seriously every time I see how many times the same person posted. I think “cat lady.”
Again, it was not my intention to be mean. I am just trying to tell it like it is. Sorry my post was so long!
When I say “you” I mean if they are reading it. Not you, or us, but them.
Okay...I would be more concerned if there was a woman who came out publicly to the mainstream media and said she had an affair. Or some kind of picture that has him with playing tonsil hockey with a girl. But, it was a picture of him posing with two girls and he looked red. BIG DEAL.
And think about it? Him divorcing and having to pay child support for 10 children? Then they'd lose the income from the show and most likely the speaking engagements. Even IF they don't love each other, it's not in the kids best interest or their own interests to divorce.
Just because one rag got an affair RIGHT (John Edwards), doesn't mean this rag about Jon is right either. And the fact that they posted an innocent picture doesn't prove anything.
Poppy - I believe 'Gladys Kravitz' was the gossip on Bewitched :)
The only thing these articles prove is that Jon and Kate have reached celebrity status. The gossip mags thrive on lies of infideilty and IMO do their best to try and rip couples apart from one another.
Jon & Kate are a loving happy couple. You don't have to watch many episodes to know that they take their vows of marriage very seriously.
Poppy: It was Gladys Cravitz, we all have one of them in our lives. J&K are so fortunate to have a whole site full of them!
I think the photo was an innocent photo. I would not be happy if my hubby were in a bar drinking it up and made bad choices that got the neighbors talking. However, he is not happy with me going to bars. PERIOD! So, neither of us go to bars at all. Jon does, so I am not judging him. I am trying to make a point that if Kate is OK with it, then why should we judge? But, he should be weary of people wanting their picture with him...........
As for small town gossip, it is just that. I live in a small town...just because somebody 'says' they saw this or that doesn't mean it is true. I can't tell you the number of times I have been the subject of that same 'full account' of my activities or my then teenage daughter. Some of the things reported by town people to be true or seen happened when we were out of town...........so don't believe it even if it is coming from a family member.
I don't believe any of the negative. If I didn't see it, it has no bearing on how I feel about the show. End of the story. I am a fan, I don't visit GWOP because I don't care what they have to say.
Do any of these articles have anything more than a picture of Jon standing beside some girls? You'd think there would be a grainy video taken with a cell phone or something. I'm sure a college kid would have no problem selling a tabloid something like that.
Plus, why is it that people expect that just because one is married they can't go out.
It really is amazing how much one little picture can be turned into something it isn't.
I can't read anything much from this because it is small and blurry. What I do see is "We might be getting a divorce". Has anybody read the article and can tell me what that is about? I refuse to buy this trash magazine to find out, but I would be interested in knowing how they justify this comment.
I think the photo is completely harmless and it is another example of the "haters" grasping at straws.
However, I think it is inappropriate for a married man/women to be going out to bars without their spouse. I have just seen too many marriages get torn apart or have false accusations thrown at them unnecessarily. Unfortunately, Jon put himself in the position to have this happen. I am not saying that what is being said is ok on any level, but if he hadn't been hanging out in a bar whose clientele was primarily young college students, I doubt this kind of drama would of happened.
Didn't Jon make a statement about this event? I believe he said something like he had made mistakes (assuming he meant going to the bar in the first place or perhaps his behavior while there) but that he was faithful and in a loving marriage.
It is just really sad. Even if it is all untrue, which I believe it is, these kind of accusations really hurt a family. I hope that the Gosselins can learn something from this experience and use if for good.
While I'm not a fan of Kate's behaviour towards Jon, in no way is that picture of him with those two girls indicative of anything unseemly. It's a photo of him with two fans. Period. And shame on those magazines (and other evil doers for that matter) for making a simple - and innocent - photo look tawdry.
I am so outraged by these articles. Why do people get pleasure out of hurting others? And when there are children involved? My heart goes out to this family. True or Not this is out of line! All because of one stupid picture and some college kids names who want their 15 min of fame. Hopefully J&K will come forward in their defense and make a statement....together.
While I'm not a fan of Kate's behaviour towards Jon, in no way is that picture of him with those two girls indicative of anything unseemly. It's a photo of him with two fans. Period. And shame on those magazines (and other evil doers for that matter) for making a simple - and innocent - picture look tawdry.
It is not the photo of him w/ the two girls in the bar that looks bad b/c it just looks like him taking a photo w/ fans to me. It is the pic in the college newspaper and her acknowleding he was at her house that looks bad in my opinion. Although that being said, I still am giving him the benefit of the doubt that nothing happened. I wish I could read the article but it won't let me zoom in that closely. The Junaitian is the paper and I have tried to look it up and the article isn't on the site.
Did anyone check TLC's website. They have a new little video called 8 little helpers. Its so cute! It's just Kate and the kids.
Angie said...
Did anyone check TLC's website. They have a new little video called 8 little helpers. Its so cute! It's just Kate and the kids.
THANK YOU, Angie. I really enjoyed that webisode.
I haven't formed any conclusions yet. All I know for sure is Jon visited a few bars and had his pictures taken with fans. Could there be more to the story? Perhaps, but there is nothing credible to go on at this point.
I did buy the "In Touch" magazine (hangs head in shame). So far, the only piece of "new" information I have seen is a quote from a TLC rep:
"Jon had to spend a brief amount of time away from home taking care of an injured family member. While visiting family, he also spent time with old friends at a local establishment, where he agreed to take photos with fans."
Anya said...
"...So far, the only piece of "new" information I have seen is a quote from a TLC rep:
"Jon had to spend a brief amount of time away from home taking care of an injured family member. While visiting family, he also spent time with old friends at a local establishment, where he agreed to take photos with fans."
March 6, 2009 9:08 PM
Was this statement in the magazine?
Star and in touch just want to ruin this inncoent family!!They say that he was "partying with 8 girls"well in the pic those girls like workers at the place i mean their both wearing black, usally workers at bars/reasturants places like these wear black!And who knows maybe that place is like a bar/reasturant not just a bar!!Ugh the madia makes me so MAD!
Jon & Kate Plus 8
Slopes, Sleds, and Sesame
The Gosselins had more tears than smiles to share the first time the Gosselin family went skiing together. Jon and Cara head out to Utah to experience some more winter fun on the slopes, while Kate wisely hangs back with the rest of the clan.
I went over to the "Dark Side" to see what type of comments I would find concerning the recent rumors about Jon and there was nothing!!!
Furthermore, there was a post from Serena warning bloggers that they will not post anything concerning this issue.
Does anyone know what's going on with that? It's odd...
Teresa, yes, that quote was in "In Touch" magazine.
UPDATE: I just added to my page that a fan saw Jon & Kate Feb. 25that the Harlem Globetrotters game. They were fine.
Baby Mama, can you please explain what you mean by saying 'They were fine?' I mean I hope so, but my parents often went places together because of the kids even after they were divorced.
Monica~ You may be right with your comment, I'm not sure. I received 3 e-mails from people that were at that game and the family did go with the camera crew. So this obviously means that they were filming a future episode, hence unlike what others have posted, there will at least hopefully be another season after this one.
Now, because they were fine doesn't mean anything of course. They could be playing for the cameras to keep their show going, who knows. Its devastating to think that this or any couple could be having marital problems that could hurt the family and the kids. But its 10 times worse to think that there are people on blogs who lie and say they don't watch the show, but you know they do simply to snark on hate boards just to hurt this family.
I hope that they will be smart enough to not give these people anymore to snicker about. I hope that they handle this privately and work on their relationship for not only themselves but for the sake of their wonderful children. That they were having fun together and enjoying the game, only makes me happy in my mind that they were at least trying. I pray that they can work on their marriage, and keep the vows they said on national TV that "mommy & daddy love each other and will be together forever."
Teresa, IMHO GWOP's new act of innocence is nothing but an act... They were directly related to the terrible Philly magazine article last week and have been listed as the only blog in several of the hate articles this week. They seem to have cleaned up their act on the outside, since these articles are bringing new visitors to their site but IMHO, they are definitely involved with all of these recent rumors...
Here is a link to another article, which gives an explanation of what really happened from people who were there:
That newspaper is the local newspaper back home. At least this article isn't making him look like what he did was wrong!
Is it just me that doesn't think that even looks like him in the picture???
Lisa Sharp said...
Is it just me that doesn't think that even looks like him in the picture???
March 7, 2009 10:55 PM
Lisa, when I first saw the picture, my first thought was that he looks photoshopped into it. It doesn't look natural, as if he were standing in between those two girls.
This whole story is rubbish. Gwop started it and by them not posting a thread on it is just an indication of their guilt. There probably are comments throughout other threads of theirs. They were the ones who said a picture will be surfacing soon. Tells me all I need to know. All fabricated from Gwop, the lowest common denominator.
Quiltart and Theresa - I also see the connection between GWoP and the Star and Intouch articles. These people are trying their damnest to destroy this family, and for what? I just don't get it.
So Jon went out with friends for drinks, got a bit carried away and went to a party and had pictures taken with fans... That doesn't mean that he is running around on Kate.
The whole thing makes me sick!
BTW Quiltart, thanks for the link to the Altoona mirror.
Everyone, I think we should forget the incident and move on to the better side, tom. the Gosselins will be fine, or maybe even Oprah might even ask Jon about the scandal who knows anyways lets just frget it and move on!!
I think Jon's learned his lesson that he can be taken out of context with just the simplest of gestures, like taking a picture. I also think he's learned his lesson as far as going to parties and bars.
You are right jk8fan...let's just forget it and move on.
Quiltart~ Thanks so much for the link to this article. Nina had spoken to me about hearing another side and its great that you can get a better idea of exactly what went down. Its amazing how reporters can actually go and "seek" to get something on someone, and even if its nothing, will do whatever they can (including lying) to make it something.
I'm excited that the Gosselins are on Oprah tomorrow (alas even if its by Satellite) but its with the whole family. I really hoped that it would be just them actually there so they could discuss things without the kids around. I'm worried that it might be another thing for people to criticize as to whether the kids behaved or not. Regardless, everyone will move on, but I'm sad that something so lame could hurt Jon's reputation perhaps permanently. I really feel he needs to find something that he could call his own and make a niche for himself in life as well, even though he is a wonderful father.
ALSO: They changed the episodes again! Instead of the following week being the Touch Museum, they are now showing the Slopes and Sesame episode. Why do you think they switched?
Quiltart, thanks for the link. It really puts things in perspective. It was a bad decision on Jon's part to go to a college students house and play beer pong in my opinion. But we have all made mistakes and look back and wondered what we were thinking. Life is a journey of lessons and I hope this only draws them together rather than putting a wedge of mistrust between them.
I hope I get to see the Oprah show tomorrow. I usually don't watch then. Thanks for the reminder, Baby Mama!
Kate spoke in Elizabethtown, KY this weekend. Here is a report:
Hey Baby Mama,
Just read on TLC's site that the Touch Museum and the Harlem Globetrotters episode will will be aired on March 23rd.
What do you think of this?
I am quite confused what a married man is doing, at a party with college students, playing something called "beer pong". Get a life, Jon. You have a wife, 8 kids, and are supposed to be a role model to your sons.
If I were him, I'd be ashamed.
If I were Kate, I'd be *furious*.
That is beyond "blowing off steam." That is asking for trouble. Let's hope he learned something from those tabloid smears.
Thanks for posting them, I hadn't heard about this before I visited your website.
Dancnmommy~ I found it funny that they not only changed the name, but they cut it to a half an hour, then made the Sesame & Slopes a half an hour as well. I always wonder if they are still editing until the last minute, & realize they couldn't milk a whole hour! (lol) I also just saw that season 4 is going to be a whole year if they don't end it soon!
My aunt and uncle live in Huntingdon (Where Juniata college is and where said partying is alleged to have ocurred) My uncle is acquainted with Jon's mother who lives in huntingdon. His mother is sick and that is why Jon has been spending so much time there. I would imagine that if he has been seen out drinking that he is just doing so to get a break and a night out from the stress of his sick mother. Also, since his mother prefers her privacy as it has been stated, that is likely why they have not officially mentioned that as jon's reasons for being in huntingdon.
Thanks for the info Meghan. My family is from that area too but they do not know the Gosselin's personally. I didn't even know to this all came out that is mother lived in Huntingdon which isn't far from where my parents live. His poor mother all she wants is privacy and now her sons being trashed. Crazy. Thanks again
Minnie Knits...I couldn't agree with you more!
I hope this is a lesson learned!
BabyMama, you did a great job shooting this homevideo of the Gosselin's house. :-)
The InTouch and Star magazine articles (larger size):
Taylor Taylor~ haha very funny! I seriously think that either Moon or someone from GWOP shot it!
If you ask me its creepy. Why would you want to drive by their house and film? No wonder they moved way out away from where people could just drive up and invade their home.
Just because someone is at a party does not mean they are cheating. Every couple has issues and of course Jon and Kate could be nicer to eachother, but that doesn't mean that Jon cheated, OR that they will be getting divorced. Until the family's rep says that he cheated, or that they are splitting up, I don't believe it.
I would just like to say.. It is their business what goes on in their home when the cameras are off. I just hope that they can find the strength to overcome this and continue to love the children and eachother.
As a single father taking care of his 7 year old daughter. I am here to say that society has been honoring women for getting out of abusive marriages, moving on and doing what is best for there kids. I am here to say "GOOD FOR YOU JON" It is a good thing to see a father take control of his house and kids and take care of them. Not give up and walk away like most have done in the past.
He should be commended not punished!
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