So far in fact, that from Long Island, New York you need to go on two bridges, go through New Jersey and back into upstate New York to get there? Thank goodness I was smart enough to call Barnes & Noble to double check that things were a go. They weren't. Kate had to cancel to fly to LA to do Dr. Phil, she was coming the following day! Changing plans was horrible and I had to leave work early and BEG (lucky valentines day is coming up!) my husband to go with me. Kissing the kids goodbye I felt horrible leaving them to go Hither tither & yon to meet Kate. Sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, knowing in was already 5pm and they were handing out bracelets at 4pm, I wondered if he should just turn around & go home.
When we found this mall in the middle of nowhere, we almost passed out. It was HUGE! Like Ferris wheel and merry-go round huge. We saw the Barnes & Noble and were scared we saw no one but two ladies at a corner table. They have us a bracelet, we were number 341 and they told us to come back in a hour . This is what I loved. No waiting in line for hours! She had no problem with me bringing in my book not purchased there, but told me Kate was also signing the DVDs as well if we wanted to purchase one. I was so mad I didn't bring seasons 1&2 for her to sign, and saw season 3 was there for $36.99 to purchase. We went for a lovely dinner, and I even begged my husband to let me go into my favorite jewelry store Pandora, where he bought me a charm for my bracelet. I hear his mind clicking as I know hes gonna want "payback" for all this lovey stuff hes doing. (lol) We quickly went into the Target there and picked up the season 3 cd for $26.99.
And at 6:45 we came back and well, I guess all the people in the mall were here and Numbers 1-100 were already lined up. The final bracelets for 600+ were being given out & then you heard the screams. Kate was on time, looking beautiful. And then this is where the wait began. It was so sad to see all the young girls there so excited with their moms, knowing mine weren't there was heartbreaking. My daughter called twice to hear the commotion over the phone. All the people I spoke to on line didn't blog, didn't care, just loved the show and loved Kate. I felt like they were better untainted people because of it. There were teenagers with Gosselin shirts on, it was kinda the most surreal thing I had seen in a while. The line went quickly. Kate posed for pictures, hugged babies and seemed in a happy wonderful mood dispute the hectic life she must be leading having just come from California. Just as I was about to meet her she stopped for a quick restroom break. When she came back she mentioned quickly that she wanted to make sue the kids were getting ready for bed. When it was my turn I was excited to introduce myself, and even happier that she received my e-mail and was apologetic that she wasn't able to respond back. She knew who I was and we briefly talked about the site and the birth of my 12 lb. baby. That man always accompanying her looked agitated that I was taking up a bit longer of Kate's time. With one obvious hand on the shoulder he had her sign my book & CD and asked if I could take a picture with her. She was happy to do it. Leaving and seeing hundreds more on line made me glad I came early!
Overall Lets Recap:
1. Kate is beautiful in person (though very thin). She was wearing smokin hot 4 inch black heels and really pretty black skinny jeans. Remember the old sweatshirts? (lol) no more!
2. Even the hair looks good, I don't think it reads as well on TV
3. She is sweet, friendly and very misunderstood
4. Those hates sites mean NOTHING! Nobody but those 30 or so bloggers that are constantly on there are any big deal. The fans that don't read it or care what it says are what matters.
5. She couldn't wait to go home and be with Jon & the kids
6. I realized that it was important for me to meet the person I blogged about for the past 6 months. It makes me happy to know that its appreciated. I'm glad I went!
And Michelle finally meets Jon!
My Semblance of Sanity is a cool blog to check out. She let me know that she met her Yang to my Ying so to speak and you can click on her blog to hear her story.
I'm very happy for you that you got to meet her too! And that is so awesome that she knew who you were...(slightly jealous) lol.
Very excited for you Baby Mama! That is beyond cool. I bet she totally appreciates your kind words over this period of time.
Kudos to you!
I was waiting for you to post this and glad the event wasn't postponed any further out so you didn't have to wait or miss it. I'm so happy for you. It's great that Kate is making herself available for her fans. It's so nice you got to meet her and also the the sprinkles of fun you had around the event. So cool that she knew who you were. I like happy stories. :) Thanks for sharing!
merryway your picture makes me laugh my behind off. Why cant I come up with funny stuff like that? You and Nina have to find a good one for me!
Yeah, I looked bad in my photo with me and Kate so I cropped me out. I was originally going to show you guys I swear ;)
i recently met her as well!
sadly she was on a time crunch and the people in charge were rather pushy and rude, causing the situation to be a bit tense. but she was wonderful.
I am glad you were able to meet her and it worked out for you.
quoting- Jane/KateGossliar said...
<<<<<4. Those hates sites mean NOTHING! Nobody but those 30 or so bloggers that are constantly on there are any big deal. The fans that don't read it or care what it says are what matters.>>>>
So let me get this straight you ARE saying that you and your cronies on here DON'T matter??
Oh that is
Because obviously YOU DO read THOSE hate sites and you DO care or YOU wouldn't keep reading the posts on those hate sites and trashing the posters every chance you get!!!
Oh and it is Thither
Not tither :)
February 12, 2009 10:33 PM
You are a joke!
Please go to the thither side of the blogger world *GWOP*.
You are much more appreciated there.
Thanks for the report. It sounds like a great experience.
Baby Mama - I am so very happy that you got to meet Kate! I am jealous as heck :). Keep up the good work!
Jane/KateGossliar - your comment is so typical of your kind. Read again, HATES Sites don't mean nothing...
Baby Mama, I've been checking your blog religiously to hear about your meeting with Kate. I am SO glad it was everything you wanted it to be! Your photos are great! Thanks for keeping the positive news coming... You blog is a breath of fresh air for those of us who are fans, too!
i believe that the man who was accompanying her sort of looks like Hannibal Lecter (from the photo posted) but Kate looks FABULOUS!!! Thank you for taking the time to blog about your 'meeting'. I am sooo envious!
Awesome, and good for you, Baby Mama!
Last week, the episode where Jon takes Kate clothes shopping was shown on TLC and I had to laugh all the way through it. Look at how outdated it is, and I don't mean because of the way the kids have changed. Kate claiming she doesn't like "color?" Well, check out her outfits, lately. That blue blouse she's wearing is gorgeous on her. I'm thinking she has a stylist now. If she's as "fashionally challenged" as she claims to be, someone has to be picking the pretty tops, skinny jeans and hurt-me heels!
And it's obvious that she's lost weight. She looks great and you can especially see the weight loss in her face. And no, "advocates," I don't think she's had "work done," other than perhaps a trainer, stylist and teeth whitening.
It sounds like you had a great experience.
And, I agree....the hate sites really have an over-inflated sense of their importance in the Gosselins' world and the world of their audience.
Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on getting up close and personal with Kate! (I'm a little jealous). She was in Indianapolis last week and I got to have her sign my book, but they rushed her so much she was signing book after book with no time for pictures or chit-chat. But she seemed very nice and cordial to everyone in line. How great that she knew who you were, what an honor! Thanks for sharing your story!
I see there's a bridge in Haterville that's missing a troll.
Jan/KateGossliar, so, what does that make you for reading/posting here yet criticizing BabyMama's reading/posting habits? A HYPOCRITE, perhaps?
Pot, kettle, you're black.
Thanks for sharing your experience with Kate! She and Jon were going to have a speaking engagement in my city last month but it was cancelled a long time ago, so I'm a little green with envy. That's awesome that she knows who you are.
It is kindof neat that she knew your site! I am glad you were able to meet her, and I love your photo!
So you had to leave the state to get to see Kate? LOL. I really admire your determination and sounds like you have an awesome husband.
It's great to hear of the big turnout for Kate and I agree it must be so refreshing to be around fans unaffected by a small brigade of group thinkers who spend their days hating on someone from a t.v. show.
Anyway, like the others have said I am really really happy for you and very much appreciate you recapping it for us all.....
babymama: I was over at the infamous hate site and I have quit posting there for a long time now, but today I just had to post and I'm sure I will be roundly attacked. But this person who claimed to be at the book signing the night you were said there were very few people there, they were mostly teens, that Kate was her usual bit**y self, rude, would not make eye contact, unfriendly, that she was botoxed, orange tanned, horrible hairdo, you know the drill. She kept stressing how few showed up. So I had to comment. I said it was funny that she reported the signing as the way she did and that someone else who was really there told us how it really was and I listed your comments. As a former "disliker" (is that even a word :) ) and now a fan I am amazed at how far the hate goes. They continually call Kate a liar and yet they will lie just to make people think there is no one at the signings. Amazing. Thanks again, babymama, for telling us the truth.
Congratulations Baby Mama!
Thanks for the sounds like you made a very nice day of it.
so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your encounter with Kate.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us :)
I'm so happy for you. Love your picture with season 3. I was waiting for you post of this too. Congrats!!!!
ello ur sooo lucky u meet her i realllyy wont to meet her soo badlyy buti live in the uk and hopefully 1 day i can i agree with u that she is beautiful thank u 4 posting the bloggs :D
That's so exciting, BabyMama! Thanks for sharing your experience!
lisa k. and ericka m.-
Have a LOVELY day.
You are so sweet to stop by and spread your sunshine!
Baby Mama, I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading this entry of yours, I was BEYOND thrilled to hear that you got to see Kate, that is so cool that she knew you and your wonderful fan blog as well! Your hubby sounds like a keeper ;) LOL
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and congrats on meeting Kate!!
Barbara, you really have to take the comments there with a grain of salt. Everyone there has a mission, and that's to spread as much negativity as possible. And while everyone might think differently about things, I for one KNOW what the situation was because I was there. Anyone can say ohh she didn't smile..(she did) ohh no one showed up...(the bracelets when I left stopped at 700 because Kate was leaving at 10) she wasn't nice (she talked to everyone I saw and was very happy and gracious) its all a bunch of lies to feed the wolves that want to believe anything but the truth. How exactly could she be rude? I honestly felt that helper/bodyguard rep. guy was only trying to keep the line moving after I hogged it a bit. I took no offense to it.
Alot of lies recently have been trying to circulate to see what people will actually believe. A site I recently became aware of point blank slanders Jon by claiming he went to a bar to pick up a women. I mean come on people. Its sad that the internet can hurt this family simply by having outright lies for people to read. GWOP is the biggest example of that.
I'm happy to say that if the situation was in any way different I would be the first to tell you!
Baby Mama-glad you got to finally meet Kate!
You are right about the haters. In every one of their posts, whether on GWOP, or here or neutral sites (GDNNOP), their letters always stand out because they are very childish and all point to their own shortcomings and lack of self-confidence. It's easier (and lazier)to hate than to work on yourselves. Same goes with posers.
Congrats Baby Mama. I am happy that you of all people got to see Kate. You so deserved that.
Keep up the good work.
Baby Mama,
I read that stupid slander about Jon at bars and all I could think was, "Keep it up advocates, the more you spread or link to these kinds of stories, the loonier you sound." Every time they cross a line, I move further to the other side of it.
saint, I am hearing a cell-phone photo is about to surface. Uh-Oh
Jon and Kate seem to be getting their furnishings from Lane. Nice stuff.
OHH NOOO HAHA! I just saw the link and I'm posting this on my blog tonight after my v-day dinner. The trolls are going to bust a gut! I love it! So exciting for them!
If they're in "dire financial need," they they could certainly use the shot in the arm that having their furnishings appear on a TLC show, gives.
Corporations and companies don't just give free goods to the Gosselins, Duggars or Roloffs because they LIKE them. It's exposure and advertising that they can't get anywhere else. It's a 30 minute infomercial instead of a 30 second spot.
They're not stupid. They're trying to save their company.
I agree MCB, it isn't embarrassing for the Jon and Kate. It is a smart move for Lane. Several million people will see that furniture on a weekly basis and they are hoping that it will generate sales.
That is so wonderful that you got the opportunity to meet Kate.
MoreCowbell, you are absolutely right. This is a great move for Lane...
Corporations and companies don't just give free goods to the Gosselins, Duggars or Roloffs because they LIKE them. It's exposure and advertising that they can't get anywhere else. It's a 30 minute infomercial instead of a 30 second spot.
As for the cell phone photo that is about to be exposed, I think it'll happen just as much as Ed McMahon is going to drop by my house with millions of dollars. Geeze, their hatred is so bad that now they're going to use their photoshop skills. :) Maybe it will accompany that supposed article of Jess'.
Perhaps they don't realize as with all things internet, everything's traceable.
Babymama, I am so happy for you!! That is so awesome that Kate knew who you were etc. I wonder why she can't respond to people's emails? Perhaps a legality etc?
Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Bee~Nah I think it was more along the lines that she she said quickly she gets ghundreds of e-mails a week and doesnt have the time to filter them and resond. Alot of people have said to me that they cant send anything because the mailbox is full.
I think that since her schedule is letting up slightly that hopefully she will do what she wanted which was filter through the mass. I cant imagine getting 700 e-mails and having to weed through all that to get to particular e-mails.
Babymama, I just read what you wrote about the book signing and you made me laugh. I live in South Jersey but my parents live in West Nyack, so I actually went Tuesday night (not thinking of calling ahead to make sure it was still on). So I ended up staying another night at my mom's house. She was so sweet at the book signing. I was 89, but got there at 7 and waited in line with the 200's. I didn't mind at all. When I finally got to meet her she was laughing at my son's hair. All it does is stand up straight! She took a picture with us and said, "have a nice night." I thought she was very sweet and humble (I think in a way she was shocked that so many people came to see her). She is absolutely beautiful! I kept telling my husband how pretty she was. I'm glad you had a great time!
Good for you for getting to meet Kate! I love their show. I can't say that I would be able to handle things as well as Kate or Jon. I think they do a great job. I love how they allow the kids to be individuals while still being part of a group. No one is perfect and I am sure that the stress of tv cameras and multiples takes it toll sometimes. We all have stress factors in our lives that hit their mark time and again. Thank you for your positive site on the Gosselins. I love their show and I am happy that they give us all a peak into their lives. For all the haters, instead of spending your time hating why not do better things with your time like helping our your community etc? Jon & Kate plus 8 have brought some well deserved attention to charities like St. Jude's. If they can afford to buy a new house, provide for their kids and live comfortably in the process, good for them! I hope they continue on for years :)
Denise said...
A picture has hit the Internet so I am sure it will be tracked down. He looks pretty looped to me.
And where can we see this picture?
Denise~ We need to put this all to rest. Yes, apparently Jon went to a bar to let off some steam one night. He took a picture with the bartender and one other person who "claimed" she was a fan. Jon & his friends had two or three drinks and LEFT that's it!
No girls, no cheating, the man is ALLOWED to let off some steam. Please do not start rumors that anything else happened. As far as the pic, yeah he DRANK, looks tired and tipsy, but that's it. Don't know if I care to add to the gossip and post it.
I was basically accused of lying and I wanted to prove I wasn't. It's at Shorty's Bar in Kutztown. Hope someone drove him home. He looks loaded and it wasn't the first time..
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