Poor Jon Can He Ever Have Fun?
Ok, I had no intention of showing this pic, but since everyone has complained that the horror that is Moons site posted it like hes a drunk, I figured I would be the first to share the pic and ask your own views about it. If Jon, went out one night and had a few drinks to unwind, so you think that's unfair? This shot was apparently taken when the bartender asked to pose for a shot, then she plastered it all over the interned for some 15 sec. of fame, and to make Jon look like an drunk. And while I know this isn't a great shot, its not saying anything other than he just posed with fans. Im sure after seeing this shot everywhere, the man will never go out and get a drink again. I mean, were all human right?
The Ridiculous Valentines Day Interview That Never Was
Many have discussed a article in which a journalist named Kelly DiNardo "claims to have gotten though the PR red tape and gotten some type of phone interview with Jon & Kate. Lets just say we do NOT know if this is even true. Well apparently she "claimed" she was doing a Valentines Day article and wanted Jon & Kate to give her some "love tips". Are you kidding me? This sounded to me alike another GWOP crazy trying to slam the family, but since we are to her she actually writes books, you would question why she was even interested in a five minute phone convo about love from Kate Gosselin. None the less it wasn't a good time, because Kate basically told her I don't know why you're doing this story. We're not romantic or lovey. We're not that couple." What upset me about this "so called" ridiculous love article, was that she linked a hate article which really made me feel like she was out at the start to get something that would not only get her press, but show how much she wanted to hurt the family. I have no idea who Kelly DiNardo is, but I'm told she just like GWOP. And she has the comments that were linked on that site to prove it. Thank you for loosing all credibility.
Now For A Real Kate Gossel Article!
Beliefnet.com has a great 10 page interview that Kate Gosselin did with them and it is vastly different that what this other author spoke about.
It's been said by a lot of your show's viewers that sometimes you come off as irritable. What do you say in response to that?
Walk a day in my shoes and you'd be irritable too. What you see is what you get. I mean, it's the real me. I'm not going to be somebody I'm not. I have chilled out a lot because there's so much going on. I have to. And I think that's good for me. But again, come take a whack at it...
What's the hardest thing about doing the show?
It is the most full-time job I've ever had. But then the flip side is that we both get to work from home. We have eight kids, yet we're both at home with them. At least one parent is with them 95 percent of the time, and that's the best part. I try to focus on the good and not the bad. And that's definitely the best part.
Very good post Baby Mama.
Negativity breeds Negativity.
Positivity breeds Positivity.
Thank you for your positivity!
Well said, Lesley.
He does look drunk...his eyes are squinted and he's bright red. I get red after I drink. I feel bad that this will cause more hatred towards them, but I could care less if he was at a bar and drank. Anyone think Jon will come out with some sort of statement??
Well, Jon's eyes can look squinty anyhow. But his face is flushed and that's a sign of drinking, for sure.
I don't think it's right for him to be in a bar because he is married and has children.
They also talk on the show about being Christians. So, this is not a good example for a Christian man.
This can only lead to trouble.
Wow. I have not read whatever claims were made by the person/people in this photo with Jon. But if you look closely, the chairs are upside down on the tables in back and Sysco boxes are out. Sysco is a RESTAURANT and bar supplier. And those chairs are upside down on tables not a bar.
And I have seen Jon blush. If those girls were goofing with him at all I bet he would blush.
My point is - we have NO idea the real circumstances of this picture. And I have to say, even if he did have a drink or two, it doesn't bother me at all.
And I am really going to NOT get into a huge discussion about being Christian and drinking except to say that I have known wonderful Christian people that realize Jesus turned water into wine and will have a drink or two now and then. I think it depends on the area you live in the country that determines whether a drink makes a poor Christian or not. Mostly that idea is in the south.
Glad to see that Jon got to have some fun. My hubby and I have been married for 27 yrs. And we both get to go to out to bars once in a while with our friends and have a good time. And a lot of these good times are had with our Christian friends.
Furthermore, our church has fundraisers (Bull Roasts) a couple of times a year, where we get to eat, drink and dance. And we are all Christians!!!
I say no big deal. This man is obviously a loving husband and a great father, and to any of those trying to prove otherwise by circulating unflattering pictures forget them. Jealousy triggers gossip and nothing says gossip better than bad pictures. Certainly doesn't change my opinion of this great family and I doubt it will change the minds of many who see it.
Thanks BabyMama for putting a postivie spin on a bad bit of press.
Also - maybe it's just me but if you look close at this photo he has "raccoon" eyes (white eyes from where sunglasses were) which would suggest that perhaps he was just sunburnt. So really this could have been after a day of skiing - who knows.
Kelly DiNardo is a freelance writer who was probably hired by a newspaper/magazine/online magazine to write the article. A freelance writer can seldom just contact a celebrity and actually get an interview without a large newspaper/magazine/online magazine referencing her. So to say she was doing it just for press attention is a little silly. Journalists want a story, period. They don't think in terms of "wanting to hurt someone" though that can often be the outcome. They just want the story, period.
Those girls are dressed alike too. I would imagine they are probably staff @ whatever bar/resturant this was taken at. Seems to me that some people want this to mean more than what is actually does.
The picture of Jon- It looks like to me he may have gotten too much sun then maybe a drink or two (who cares) and the just a bad pic with his eyes closed. I am so sick of people bashing them. What is the point. If he were an actor leaving his kids at home with some nanny he would be accepted in the world of celebs. I love the show and I will continue to watch, I just wish people would get off their backs.
A quote from a study I'm doing about the negativity that's being spread: "A person’s reputation is invaluable. One slanderous comment can ruin a person’s reputation forever. When you are talking about someone else, always remember that you hold that person’s reputation in your hand." If you don't know something to be true, don't spread it. Just a good reminder. Love this blog and the great links to articles about the family!
Thanks Baby Mama.
Wow, it is so nice to see that Jon is indeed human. Kind of refreshing. I also like that he and Kate are candid about who they are......Kate acts bitchy or irritable, when asked, she says, YEP, THAT's ME, you get what you get, I am not faking my life. Good for her, and on one other note. I am SO GLAD I AM NOT IN THE SPOTLIGHT and you don't follow me around and scrutinize my every move. You wuold have plenty of negative to say about me....as far as judging me for drinking once in awhile. I'll let our pastor know that you think he sucks at being a christian....and that you have the right to judge him and others.
I enjoyed the interview from Belief.net w/Kate.
Personally, I don't get the freelance writer thing. Who was she writing for? Was an article ever published? Typically when you are on assignment with a magazine editor, you are paid whether the article was published or not. I find it strange she never mentioned who she was writing for. Hmmmmmm.
Ok I admit this pic does look bad. But I have had plenty a pic where I'm in the middle of blinking and it could be interpretted that I look drunk. The redness could be a sunburn. Either way I do wonder if they will come out with a statement to clear it up. I hope they do even though they certainly aren't obliged to. I don't believe in judging until you have all the facts and hopefully we will get those and not a bunch of lies. Also do we know that shorty's is strictly a bar and not a restaurant with a bar in it? If it is strictly a bar I do agree their public image does not match up with the bar scene. Hopefully we'll get these details cleared up though. I have always thought the best of them and hope this comes out ok in the end.I am rooting for them!
okay wait a minute1if you look at the picture very closly it doesn't even look like JON!!!if it is why would he be at a bar?With those girls?really stop making rumors about the Gosselins!!
I personally don't think that the Gosselin's should release a statement.
To do so admits fault, right? He did nothing wrong. Free country last I checked.
Why should they.....seriously?
It is none of our business anyway.
Just because they are on television does not "entitle" *duckies past favorite debate word* moral compass.
It cracks me up that fans are seen as "sheeple". However, we are the ones who do not think that we have ownership over their life......ie, "The fans pay for EVERYTHING THEY HAVE".
Meant to say that no one is entitled to be the Gosselin's moral compass.
I have a lot of doubts about this picture, but *if* I grant the following as facts
-it's really Jon,
-it hasn't been photoshopped in any way and
-it is current,
I still agree with Jenn:
Seems to me that some people want this to mean more than what is actually does.
Mom said...Personally, I don't get the freelance writer thing. Who was she writing for? Was an article ever published? Typically when you are on assignment with a magazine editor, you are paid whether the article was published or not. I find it strange she never mentioned who she was writing for. Hmmmmmm.
I too find myself saying Hmmmmm. Also, I don't think a truly respectable "journalist" (freelance or not) would link up her article to some of the lowrent hate blogs Kelly did without an agenda of some sort....
I agree with you Leslie, that they don't owe anyone an explanation. What they do or don't do only effects their life. Although sometimes I find Kate agressive, I love her "what you see is what you get" attitude. I am the same way.
If anyone asked me to speculate on the pictures, I'd say that they were taken during the same period of time and that it was during some type of promotion trip. He was probably promoting his snowboarding line... Where better than a college town?
snowboarding line? how did you find out about that?
I will try to find the blog where one of the college students from Penn state said that Jon was giving out sunglasses from his snowboarding line.
I found it... And I need to apologize this is how it went:
"Jon also had a trivia question segment about the show and gave away free things like signed books, signed pictures, sunglasses from his snowboarding sponsor, and "shirts that kate wears all the time"...
It is NOT his own line, just a sponsor's line.
Thanks 3KMOM for bringing this up. Should I re-post, I don't want the trolls to call me a liar :)
I too find myself saying Hmmmmm. Also, I don't think a truly respectable "journalist" (freelance or not) would link up her article to some of the lowrent hate blogs Kelly did without an agenda of some sort...
Anya and Mom, I'm thinking, Hmmmmm, too... IMHO, It's about as scurrilous as the reporter who is only looking for info about the G's from two hate blogs... if you get my drift!
Why would anyone think he was drinking from that picture? I would have never guessed that. I have been on the other web site you make refernece to as since this "octumom" has come into the news I am often lead to that web site. Yes, they do too mucy critizing of the couple. They make "majors" on "minors". They do that somewhat with the Duggars but not as much as this couple.
I do not recall them discussing this picture about Jon on that web site. This is the first time I have seen it and any discussion on it.
that's not Jon..
It's Jon. Who cares. 93% of all American's have been drunk atleast once in their lives. 41% of all American's get drunk atleast once a year. You can log onto facebook or myspace and find much worse then what this picture is/was.
And the whole Christian arguement is a myth. The only Christian religions that specifically frown upon consumption of alcohol is the Nontrinitarian Christians more specifically the LDS/Mormon and a sect of the Pentecostal system.
Other systems such as Catholicism and Protestantism (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptist, ect) preach moderation in all things while saying nothing specifcally from obstaining from alcohol totally.
Drinking doesn't make you any more or any less of a Christian then any man or woman walking the earth. Milwaukee, Wisconsin holds one of the higher regular attending church attending populations in the United States, you can't tell me for a second that people in of all places, Milwaukee, Wisconsin are obstaining from drinking.
Actually Assembly of God (Jon and Kate's church) totally opposes alcohol and considers it "of Satan"
The General Council of the Assemblies of God has historically opposed the consumption of alcohol in any form. Early documents of the church declare, without reservation or compromise, a position of total abstinence.
For two reasons we urge all believers to avoid the Satanic tool of alcohol which destroys lives, damns souls, and blights society: (1) A studied review of the Scriptures affirms a stern warning against intoxicating drink and a call to separation from this evil for the purpose of better service to God and mankind; and (2) Current social abuses and the public outrage over the high cost of alcohol in terms of human misery, death, and destruction of property cry out with urgency for the church of Jesus Christ to oppose firmly any use whatsoever of a beverage which so insidiously afflicts and binds the bodies and minds of men and women.
The more and more negativity I hear from and about this family. The more and more I love them!! Gosselins rock!!
And who cares if Jon drank....why is that our business?
Please evolve.
God hates the sin....not the sinner.
If a Christian drinks it will not ensure damnation.
Denise~This is 2009. I appreciate the fact that you wrote what the church believes, but this is not a place to start citing scripture verses. Each is own. Everyone is allowed to have a drink REGARDLESS of some fuddy-duddy (Kate-ism)comment like that one. This is a Christian saying this! (lol)
I hear the theme from Footloose coming on! haha The irony!
I could care less if Jon drinks. I was merely responded to Mayhem who said the church didn't have a position in it. I don't go to church, did not site Scripture but those are the tenets to the church to which the Gosselins belong.
I love the movie Footloose.
I am confused....are you a fan of Jon and Kate? You seem to spend a lot of time on a fan site.
Are you a closet lover of Jon and Kate?
If not, what is your agenda here?
I am a disabled grandmother and former library researcher/writer. I just love facts and my daughter (who is Assemblies of God) asked me to start watching the show. There is a great deal that concerns me as a mom of many.
I am a disabled grandmother and former library researcher/writer. I just love facts and my daughter (who is Assemblies of God) asked me to start watching the show. There is a great deal that concerns me as a mom of many.
I am sorry, but what is the point to the above statement??
Someone asked me a question and I answered it.
A misrepresentation of church doctrine had been posted.
Denise, who misrepresented church doctrine? Mayhem? She did not quote actual fact....she was just commenting, giving her opinion.
You are the only one who quoted exact church doctrine, correct?
I enjoy your posts, in a comical way.
The only Christian religions that specifically frown upon consumption of alcohol is the Nontrinitarian Christians more specifically the LDS/Mormon and a sect of the Pentecostal system.
I guess our opinions differ.
Glad to provide some humour Lesley.
Wow! There are alot of crazies out there and I know where they go now! (Grumpy Women On Poison)
This is my first comment here, I hope to have many more. I like the positive comments and hope that Babymama keeps up her great effort.
I also emailed the crazy women to tell them they were crazy but as you probably all know my comment ``breaks alot of the posted rules so it would be rejected``. Rejects rejecting my comments, imagine that!
Denise- Mayhem was not quoting Wiki or some other fact checker. She was just stating an opinion. You on the other hand WERE. I enjoy debating with you. I meant no insult....you do crack me up though. Good night, my fingers are hitting all the wrong letters on my blackberry.....Have a nice weekend. :)
I grew up Baptist and they did NOT in any way condone drinking moderately. It was NO drinking. I have been to many different demonations and many of them did not condone any amount of drinking.
I have never taken a drink of alcohol.
I have to admit I am very concerned about this picture of Jon.
It doesn't look good. It's not as if he's at a book signing or something posing with fans.
It seems that he and Kate are spending a lot of time away from the kids these days.
I am starting to get very worried about the children.
The last thing you need to do is worry about these children. I mean, really, this was just a passive aggressive way to state an 'opinion' that would say something bad without coming out and saying something bad. It was interesting, I spend some time this weekend with people supposedly concerned about whether Jon and Kate can afford thier house, the taxes on it, etc. I think they should watch their own money. Most of them at the table had filed bankruptcy, lost homes, cars, etc etc. But they had the nerve to question jon & Kates finances. Just goes to show you, it is jealousy in it's purest form. And it is still UGLY!
The last thing you need to do is worry about these children. I mean, really, this was just a passive aggressive way to state an 'opinion' that would say something bad without coming out and saying something bad.
I think you were directing this at me, Cindy?
I don't think that's very nice.
Aren't we all here because we love the Gosselin kids? Why am I not allowed to worry about them?
It seems to me that Jon and Kate are away from home more than they used to be. I don't think that's good.
Do you?
Where is Jon working besides home?
Maybe they should take Kate out of her own show. It is called Jon and Kate plus eight, so obviously she will be on, why watch if she just agitates you? I never get that part.
ArmyAnimal79 if your life is as bad as you state with a debilating illness, why would you watch this proram and get yourself all worked up? It can't be good for your blood pressure, which can't be good for your health. Just wondering.
Hasn't this person posted something worded the exact same before?
ArmyAnimal79- you are noone to talk. DRONES? You sound like a paranoid schizo....
Lesley... probably, I don't understand the hatred, they need to get a life!
You are acting like just what I called you. Call me whatever....I could care less. I'm going to add unstable as well. You need to relax.
So...I noticed that Jon is super red in this picture. I personally happen to suffer from something commonly referred to as the "Asian Flush" it is a genetic disorder that effects a lot of people who are of Oriental Asian decent. I'm half Asian just like Jon is and after even one maybe..two drinks I turn that same color and look completely beside myself drunk. It is quite possible that Jon suffers the same affliction....and if he does...I am so sorry. It is no fun being seen as a drunk when you're just trying to throw a couple back and relax. So hopefully that is the case.
I can understand how these sorts of rumors can be very hurtful. When my husband was deployed he allowed one of his good friends who was in the process of getting out of the military to stay with me for 3 weeks. Several people where spreading rumors that I was obviously having an affair with him. It was very upsetting that some people with dirty minds can turn a nice gesture into something sleazy. PS my mom never let us walk around on hotel carpets without shoes on either.
yes, shorty's is just a bar. it's underneath the kutztown tavern, which is a nice bar/restaurant. but shorty's is in the basement and has none of the KU tavern's classiness in it. it looks similar to a frat's basement. my bf goes to KU and we went to shorty's last weekend... it's kind of skeevy. it's definitely a college bar. i really only saw kids my age there, so it's a bit curious why jon went since he's over 30.
i adore j&k+8, and was offended when my bf told me that jon had been to shorty's (why on earth would he go to that hole-in-the-wall?!) but after seeing the picture that's been circulating, it does look mightily like jon. i'm anxious to see next week's episode... i hope things are working out for them. i doubt either of them will mention the shorty's issue.
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