UPDATE: JK8FAN07 thank you so much for all the new appearance info. I will put it up a.s.a.p.!
Lane Plus Jon & Kate..Does Kate Have To Save Them Too?
So far there have been several in-trouble companies that have looked to this hit show to help them out. Does Kate have the magic touch? We are now happy to hear that both Kmart & Walmart have been advertising with Jon & Kate and doing really well because of it. So you knew it was only a matter of time before a furniture company took advantage of the free advertising by providing the Gosselins with some new furniture. Lane Home Furnishings is the new marketing program that is hoping to be pulled from the bankruptcy quicksand by Kate and were really hoping that third times a charm for her. "The ultimate Home Entertainment Furniture for their active lifestyle!" seems to be the new promos. Does it make you want to try it out?
Season 4 DVD Out Soon!
With the HUGE success of the Season 3 4 disc DVD doing so well (Target has a "Special Addition" that included a 5th disc!) TLC is gearing to push out season 4. This 4 disc set will include more never-before seen bonus footage and extended episodes! (Running time 700 minutes in full screen) You will have to wait in May 12th, but it will be worth it!
Hear Kate Read her book On Zondervan With New Multiple Blessings Audio
Coming April 2009, Listen HERE
NEW Kate Gosselin Cookbook Coming Out In October!
Just in time for the Holidays and one year after the debut of Multiple Blessings, "Love Is In The Mix: Making Meals into Memories" by Jon & Kate Gosselin will arrive October 27th, 2009. You can pre-order it already on Amazon HERE. I have alot of my favorite Kate recipes on my old post HERE
Watch The Jon & Kate Valentines Day Episode Here!
In honor of this special day of course! xoxox
Yay, Season 4! (Just got Season 3, like, a week ago, LOL.) So excited!
I just read the garbage they said about you, Babymama. I used to post there but left because most of the people there are sickos who have nothing better to do then attack someone they don't even know. I feel sorry for them.
Anyway, I'm glad you got to meet her. I'm still trying to get her book at the library. Everytime I go to get it, it's out. :)
Mady and Kate are appearing with them in Orlando??
Ugh. I'm starting to feel weird about this blog, and frankly, about Jon and Kate in general.
I still support them as a family. But lately, (and this isn't YOUR fault, of course) the latest blog updates are about Kate's latest appearance, book signing, book releases, product endorsements, etc.
It's like...I don't know. I guess I just thought it was so awesome, at first, that because of this show, that I love...Jon and Kate could afford to raise their large family. It was great, when Kate said "because of the show, I can be a stay at home mommy!" But now, I feel sad for the family, because Kate is at home a lot less now.
I'm still a fan. Just sad their lives are so hectic.
I have tried to e-mail the show but I can't seem to get it to ever go through. Cause I really would love Kate to come to Missouri sometime but I have no way of requesting that.
Yeah! I've been waiting for Kate to come to North Carolina. Bonus, that's it's where I live! Southern Womens Show here I come.
I hear what you are saying, however this is their job.
If they stay home, they are accused of being sleazy and profiting off of their family.
They are out traveling, marketing their brand. It is a job.
The difference is that "Gosselin's" is the business they work for. They could be doing the exact same thing and be doing it for a some other business.
I am happy for them that they control of their future. It is what they make of it.
This is not meant to disrespect your opinion, more of a juxtapose of mine per say.
I was doing my daily "walk in the dark side" and was really disturbed by their newest plot... They are asking their type to write letters to TLC and send to GWOP so that they can bundle them up. That is not what is disturbing to me, but that they are pretty much telling people what to write or not write on the letters. Sounds almost "cult-like" to me. Am I overreacting?
Wondering if they *GWOP* will open all of the letters forwarded to GWOP? Just to make sure they are "just right"?
Gosh ladies....sorry...but I'd hoped for once we can not talk about GWOP. Makes it seem that's more the focus than anything.
Sandy F.,
What would you like to discuss?
Sandy F.,
What would you like to discuss?
February 15, 2009 5:13 PM
Well, discussing the Gosselins would be nice. I admit I never joined in posting and just enjoyed reading, but truthfully, all this attention given to people who don't like the G's seems to be the norm now.
Guess I have no room to say anything since I haven't posted before. Not looking for pity at all, but I read to pass time while undergoing chemo. So much GWoP talk anymore .Just wish the world could get along better. That's all.
Can't say I disagree with you about everyone being better to one another.
If you do read here much you do see that the majority is positive. We will mention GWOP, or other negative sites for the sake of the knowing. There is a huge difference between the 2 blogs. I can't imagine a true Gosselin fan being put out with this blog. The other blog is just mean and spiteful. NO COMPARISON there.
I do wish you the best and hope you continue to read. And post more too. You seem to have the best in mind, and who can fault that. God Bless!
Thanks for the information, BabyMama.
Great news about Season 4. I haven't gotten Season 3 yet, but knowing there is extra footage, I am inspired to go out and buy 3 & 4 together.
The J&K Valentine's Day show is one of my favorites. I caught a few minutes last night and I appreciate you putting up the clips.
Minnie~Kints: Its always a double edge sword. One minute they are being criticized about having no jobs. Then Kate takes advantage of the status of the show, goes out and does book signings and endorsements, and people have issues with that.
When she stays home people complain the episodes are "boring" when they're out, they're getting too many "freebies". Where does the disgust and the negativity end? Will they ever be able to win? I guess that's why I applaud that they're making the money while they can. So that when the cameras are actually off, they will have financial stability in these economic times. That's why people are so angry & bitter. They don't like the fact that this family took the success of their show and ran with it.
As far as my blog, its kinda the same thing with me. Some want me to post this and not post that. But since its mine I can pretty much talk or do anything I want. While others might not agree tough with them. But I'm sorry to hear that your not happy with the way the blog is. I do try to post different things throughout the week. But I DO have a life outside this blog ;) xoxox
Sandy F~ Thank you so much for coming and posting on the blog. I agree that sometimes I get angry and go over the edge with the garbage over at GWOP, but I have no place but to vent here about because my stuff doesn't get posted there. If you read a few months back, it wasn't all that bad I swear! I hope that you can continue to come here and say anything you need to say. I wish the world would get along better too! xoxox
I just found your site today, how refreshing. I do not get to watch the shows on Monday evening so I had been reading the show recaps on GWOP and wondered if we were watching the same shows! So glad that I finally found your site. I enjoy the show, remember that we are only seeing a very small portion of their life.
Denise - Our whole entire economy has been doing poorly... I guess in your mind J&K are to blame for that too.
According to what P&G has said -Not IMPLIED, SAID- Kate's campaign was exremely successful. Whether you want to accept it or not (DENIAL), there are many of us that still like the show. The DVD sales, Book sales, speaking engagement sell-outs and the book signing high turnouts speak for themselves. Not to mention high ratings.
So wake up and smell the coffee sister!
"According to what P&G has said -Not IMPLIED, SAID- Kate's campaign was exremely successful. "
And the guy lied and said they hadn't received any complaints when I know many were sent and acknowledged.
You need to put your big girl panties on and stop with this.
We don't care what you are saying.
Go to where you will be appreciated.
Love this positive blog about the Gosselins. I didn't get this link to work:
I have alot of my favorite Kate recipes on my old post HERE. It takes me nowhere.
Denise is one of those poor souls with nothing better to do but troll the web and put down others. Sad, isn't it?
Amazing how my comments are deleted.
I came across the no pitty for the Gosselins. I couldn't believe what they were saying. Who gave them the right to judge others who they do not know. All they hear is what is being said in the tabloids. Kate may no be perfect and Jon may need to put his foot down but, that doesn't make it okay for people to say the things they are saying. Things like Kate has mental health problems, the kids aren't fed properly, they are selling out their kids, ect.....I just cannot believe it.
Anyway, I'm glad you got to meet her. I'm still trying to get her book at the library. Everytime I go to get it, it's out. :)
I had the same problem, you can put it on hold and they will contact you when it is your turn. Great book by the way. I can't wait until the new one is out
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