Its been hard to read all the negativity thrown at this family lately solely because of the twists and turns families have had to go through in this economy recently. I was talking to a fan online that was agreeing with me that people seem to be using Kate as an outlet for the monetary frustrations in their own lives.."Ohh my family is struggling, and she gets a NEW washer!" Making fun of Jon getting excited about a popcorn button on a new microwave, not even comprehending that he was talking about new the new sensor technology that came out for both the min and the large popcorn bags. So many jump to sometimes ridiculous conclusions and even intentionally start false rumors, only to secretly wish failure on this family for some personal satisfaction. Strictly because they're ANGRY they don't have it as well! Its so incredibly sad...
The Ferrill Quints Struggle To Financially Survive
So this brings me to this story Amy sent to me on the Ferrill Five Quintuplets that we born 2 years ago. This family was struggling to the point of bankruptcy and have children that have medical issues that are not covered through insurance. You can read the story HERE. Now they too had a show on TLC. Does this family deserve the same criticism because they, like Jon & Kate choose to put their kids on TV to pay off their bills and have enough for college? I truly feel, that there is a huge double standard strictly because of Kate's personality. This family did not get the break that Jon & Kate did. They weren't able to turn the negative hate blogs into the Gold Mine by using it to their advantage. If they did, well then they would too get all the negativity that comes with it. Just because they would be getting what others couldn't. What do you think?
Jon & Kate Plus 8 Back On Oprah!
Looks like Oprah is trying to get our famous family back on their show and are seeking comments and questions to appear on the show. I am trying to find out when this is happening. Read HERE and enter! I attached the interview from a baby site for the last time they were on almost one year ago (February 22nd, 2008) HERE for you to enjoy! Never-before-seen Oprah footage HERE!
Yes Baby Mama, the Gosselin's are the scapegoat of our current economy crisis.
I really want a new Acura MDX......those damn Gosselin's!
disclaimer- I am in no way blaming this family for my lack of finance's to purchase a shiny new MDX. The above noted is a joke.
Of course people are jealous, who wouldn't be. I'd envy anyone who can move into a new house, and get a kitchen full of appliances, and two sets of washers & dryers.
If I was in their situation though, I'd do things a little differently. I'd choose a house that was smaller and easier (cheaper) to maintain. Then with the savings, I'd stay home with my family. For my taste, Kate spends way too much time away from home, I wouldn't want to do it.
Kids grow up so fast, and that's time you can't get back, ever. No amount of money is worth it, once your needs are met, the rest is over the top. Just my opinion.
I actually think the reason Kate gets so much venom thrown at her is because she has a strange sense of entitlement. She always talks about things in terms of "need". Having everything match is her quirky prerequisite, whether it's the kids clothes, or her kitchen appliances. It is very costly to take that approach, for most people. I know I replace appliances when they die, not because they don't match!
Kate has changed since it began. She is more critical of Jon, more impatient, more demanding. But that just makes her either an actress or a witch, and I was more interested in watching someone I could relate to. I thought she was a role model, but it turns out she's all about the ratings. Wearing the balls in that relationship has made her millions. But imagine if it was Jon slapping her on the cheek, correcting her grammar using condescending language, demanding a receipt NOW. A man wouldn't get away with treating a woman like that on tv. Interesting.
That's why I am not a fan of hers anymore, even though I still love to watch the show.
I for one am not jealous of the Gosselin's in any way, they have found a way to support their family. Good for them.
Kate's traveling is no different than a spouse's job that requires extensive traveling. My father traveled Monday - Friday, mom basically raised the six of us. There are no emotional scars due to the fact that my father did what he had to do to provide for the family.
Eveyone seems to forget that you are only seeing a very small part of the Gosselin family life. Editing is used to make controversial TV.
Thank you Baby-Mama for your blog
Thanks for the update on the Ferrill's. I had wondered what happened to them. Jenny is so pretty and they are a neat couple. I wish them only good things!
Kate is Kate.
She has always said she is like she is and won't make excuses for it.
However, I think they focus on it through editing because it IS THE REASON more people watch the show.
Fans will watch out of the love of the family.
The hater watch to criticize.
From one occasional "bitchy mama to another" I think Kate has her moments..........like us all.
Ratings are ratings.
Lesley..LOL I wonder what the outcry would be if we weren't in the midst of an economic crisis.
My husband is cracking up! He said since I am complaining,that I need to add a new Harley for him. :)
Baby Mama, I couldn't find a link to email you directly, but wanted to let you know that Multiple Blessings is still #5 on the NY Times Best Seller list... 17 weeks on the list!
You have listed it as #15.
Lesley..I'll take a Porsche I may as well go all out.
Mother of two said...
I for one am not jealous of the Gosselin's in any way, they have found a way to support their family. Good for them.
Kate's traveling is no different than a spouse's job that requires extensive traveling. My father traveled Monday - Friday, mom basically raised the six of us. There are no emotional scars due to the fact that my father did what he had to do to provide for the family.
Eveyone seems to forget that you are only seeing a very small part of the Gosselin family life. Editing is used to make controversial TV.
Right on Mom of 2! I have said from the beginning of the time I started posting on these blogs that we only see 22 minutes of their lives each time the show is on. And, yes, I believe TLC edits Kate in a way that makes her not look good.
A lot of people criticize Kate for traveling, and hold this family to the standards of where they were in the beginning. That's ludcrous. People grow and move on. The reason why this family survives and thrives is the good business sense of J&K and their business managers. People grow up (like these 8 kids) and even the parents. I am happy that they have thrived, especially in the economic crisis we are in.
Not every mulitple family can do a reality show and make it a success. The Gosselin kids' dynamic personalities, as well as the parents, is also a huge reason why this show is a success. And, why other mulitple families reality shows' aren't as successful.
Oh, and let me add:
If Kate traveling is what makes it work for the Gosselins, then so be it. That's their decision and it's obvious it's what makes their family situation work. Will it change? Who knows, but that's what's making it work for them. That's how people grow.
According to Jon's appearance at PSU, they are the producers of the show now so we can look forward to the "real" Kate and inclusion of their faith which they say was edited out.
Did anyone go see them in Parkesburg this morning?
Thank You Denise for your "FAN" update. What would we do without the REAL you?
Do you want someone to share their experience so you can just criticize or discount their experience?
Just wanted to give you a giggle, Lesley.
Jen has moved to the Duggars, I believe.
I have never heard of Parkesburg till I saw it on this site. I used to live near Lancaster, though.
we don't know what their family "needs" so far be it for anyone to say they don't "need" the things they say they do. Just one example...in their old house they had strangers ringing their doorbell at all hours of the night wanting to meet them...so they needed security and space.
Walk a day in Kate's shoes before claiming that she "has a strange sense of entitlement"
And when in doubt just remeber, don't judge. Judgement is not a prettier color than entitlement-FYI.
Here's a report from Kate's talk at Parkway Church yesterday...
"The strength available to Kate through trusting God and having a relationship with Him is available to any one of us. All we have to do is ask." A quote from "mommy forward", kind of says it all.
Thank you Quiltart for the information.
That is your opinion. I do not worry for the kids well being, they are being cared for and loved.
I DO worry for anyone who feel they need to pass judgment on others out "concern for children".
hello if u tip in my youtube name its xfaye6224x then go down to my friends purplestuff will be there click on it and u well see my new j&k+plus8 account click on it and the episodes are there :)
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