Well my girl T. (you know who you are ;) and a few others hooked me up with the ACTUAL photos. And yes I have them BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. And yes I am still going to meet Kate again on Tuesday, so I'm excited I was able to take off work, as my eldest daughter really wants to go too. So its a Mommy & Me day! I pray for beautiful City weather! So enjoy the reviews!
T.: I began my trek to PA from MD at 9:00 A.M. I arrived a little before 11:00 A.M. and as I was walking towards the building, I met this young woman who was also there to see the Gosselins, and we began talking. She is a local and mentioned that she knows one of the waitresses at Legends who also knows Jon and that she had told her that the whole story was blown out proportion. That girl and Jon have been friends for many years, NOTHING ELSE.
Once inside the arena we were directed to the area where the event was to take place. There was another event still going on, so we went over to the book table, and I was told that the line that was starting to form right next to the stage was for the book signing. So we decided to just stand in line and watch them from there. IT WAS A SMART MOVE!!! Had great “seats” and didn’t have to wait for hours to have our books signed. There must’ve been 1000 people there, easily. As we were waiting in line, I saw a couple of security guards move quickly towards the front of the building, which I later heard that there was some paparazzi trying to come in.
Now to the good stuff… Kate looked stunning wearing a very cute cranberry dress and black high-heeled shoes. She is thin, but not too thin and has a very nice subtle tan (not at all the “orange glow” that has been reported). Jon looked very handsome himself in dress jeans, long sleeve dress shirt and brown shoes. Kate explained that it was a treat to have Jon there, since she is so used to having an empty chair with her bottle of water next to her. And as I and I would dare say most of us had expected, Kate did most of the talking and was very candid and funny as she spoke about her pregnancy, their struggles at the beginning and how thankful they are for all the help that they received when they needed it most. And every time Jon said something he was very funny.
Jon was not there for the book signing portion of the event… Kate was very nice actually she was more personable than some famous authors that I have met at book signings in the past. And yes, she made eye contact with people. She signed both of my books, I thanked her and she thanked me for coming. There was a young girl that gave her a gift for the kids and Kate opened it while the girl was there... It was some kind of small dolls and Kate got very excited about them and thanked her and her mom for them. I took a few pictures and went on to enjoy the rest of the show. As I worked my way around the complex checking out the exhibitions and ended back at the stage area, again I said to myself IT WAS A SMART MOVE to stand in the book signing line and watch them from there!!! I am really glad that I made the trip!!!
UPDATE: Pennlive.com also has an article & review!
I am curious. Do you live in Pennsylvania? I was amazed that you got ahold of pictures of the Women's show appearence as it was instructed that it was prohibited to take pictures or videos.
Annie - It was instructed that it was prohibited to take videos, but that we could take all the pictures that we wanted. Were you there?
Hey Baby Mama: I sent you an e-mail with pics and my take on the Women's Show in Harrisburg...:-)
Does anyone know why Jon is never at the book signings? The latest J&K + 8 book is credited to Kate only right? So i understand that. But was he ever at the book signings for "multiple blessings"?
just curious if anyone knows about this at all. i mean, if i attended i'd prob want both of their signatures, lol (at least for the first book)
So if the *other site* are is such garbage then why are you(babymama) always referencing it on your FAN SITE? I love that site, and read it everyday, and find it FUNNY as Hell when I see that you refence it ALL THE TIME! Ironic isnt it?
Being a fan of this show, I noticed why some fans feel the "new" shows are less desirable than the "old" shows. I truly believe that "lighting" has a big input into this. For example, if you watched the "old" valentine episode compare to the "new" episode in the go green special, the "old" episode had very bright "lighting" and could clearly see the expressions on the kids and Kate's appearance. In the "new" episode, everything looks very "gloomy" and "dark". You can hardly see the expressions on any of the family's faces. I hope Jon, Kate, and the producers of this show realize this. "lighting" is very critical in any shows on t.v. It can look every situation either "sad" or "happy". I also noticed that Jon had put on a lot of weight on recent episode, and I hope that he could concentrate on this and return to his old self, for the outward appearance and mostly, for his health. My two cents
To the haters and trolls:
If you are so angry that Babymama mentions GWoP, than why are you wasting your precious time commenting on this site?
Get a life people.
This is a fan site. There are fans here!! (gasp!) We (for the most part) support the Gosselin's and wish them the best, always. If you have a problem with that, Don't lurk here!
Babymama, as always, thanks for the updates! It was great to see the two of them together. :)
The girl in the picture with Jon is 20 years old. If Jon has been friends with her for years, maybe she was once one of the babysitters? Nice that Jon keeps in touch.
I thought the legal drinking age in the in most places was 21... I also thought that you could not go into a bar unless you were 21.
Someone care to explain how Jon's 20 yr old friend was able to go into the bar not one but many times....
Maybe someone should call some tabloid and tell them Legends is letting in underage people...better yet someone call the authorities! =)
Bipolarspousesunite~ your name suits you perfectly! Welcome!
I am blessed to have many friends who send me the best of the garbage that's out there. (lol enter sarcasm HERE) I get to comment about without giving any of them a single hit for their site. Because to me, that's whats most important.
Thanks for the interest in this site!
What is w/ him having a 20yr old friend now? I haven't read that in any articles, how did this info come about? or is it just more speculation, lies and rumors??
As to the lighting issue. I'm hoping that the lighting seems darker because they don't have those big fluorescent lights like they had in their last house.
As to all of the other issues that are brought up. So what they have a show. So what Kate is away. A lot of dads travel and moms handle the household and, yes, some feel unappreciated but they deal with it. I really don't see why people care to the point they are rude. People say horrible things that I really, really, hope the children never, ever see.
I was wondering that too, not only does it not make sense that she would be 20 and in a bar but also that people know her age and not her name. Usually those things are known together or you know the name and not the age.
I havent seen it anywhere... everyone just calls her "Babe" and I highly doubt that is her name
Denise - Ok, the suspense is killing us (insert sarcasm). What is her name?
Her first name is Nicole.
That's all I will say. I do know the last.
And I guess you are the only one that has this information, right?
Not in a million years.
Nicole is 22 years old.....
OK Denise~ Do tell. I'm being told that this ISN'T the first place you've gone to making this persons name known. s there a reason you know this and something you wish to share with the class? Or is someone else posting comments under your name saying the same info.?
Annie - It was instructed that it was prohibited to take videos, but that we could take all the pictures that we wanted. Were you there?
Nope, wasn't there.. I live 50 minutes away and hubby got back too late from work to take me but it was all around the Net no pics. I had planned on going because I like Eric from Days of Our Lives also. By the way, I don't think Jon is unfaithful. He is going through some kind of phase I believe. In Berks County you can't spit without someone across the county not hearing about it then it becomes like whisper down the lane a game we used to play as kids.
I thought that Kate and Jon looked so attractive. But I have always wondered if Jon's eyes are green or brown. Sometimes they have looked green and sometimes they look brown.
Baby Mama - I have been a HUGE fan of your site for the past few months. I want to thank you for making such a great site for the true fans of the show and the family. I appreciate all your work and all the "crap" you have to deal with. This is my first post, but I wanted to let you know that you are appreciated. Thanks!!!
WARNING: In the message from Kate Phillips advertising her new blog spot at gosselinfamily03.blogspot.com. Don't go there. The message that comes up is as follows:
The security certificate by this website was issued for a different website's address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend you close this webpage and do not continue to website.
Barbara and everyone else - I linked to it before I saw your message and didn't get any warnings, however it said that "Kate" is 12 years old. I got out of it, immediatle and didn't post. Personally, I have a problem with children having their own websites... If in fact, this is a child and not someone trying to pose as one... I will not visit again!
I think Kate should make a deal with either some type of commercials for products or have her own clothing line. She has wide range of mass appeal and I'm pretty sure all the companies will jump at the first chance to have her. I went to gwop site and wrote, that her new book whether it receive 1 or 5 stars, "they are laughing all the way to their bank". Lol.
Teresa, I went there and had no problem but noticed her age as well. I am concerned because she has way too much personal information.
I notified BabyMama so she may want to delete the link.
It's a scary world out there.
Oh, she's not orange at ALL. Oh, noooooooooooooo!
Kate doesn't look orange to me at all, she just looks tan. It does look like however that TMZ chose to filter through all the great shots they got of Kate and choose the one shot that was the least flattering. Typical, they weren't disparaging of them on the last post they wrote on them so they must be ticked off because they were turned away at the women's show so now they'v turned on them. just typical of a site like that.
I just saw a preview for the new season. With Emerill coming over to cook with Kate (and Jon!!). It didnt appear to be filled with tension or sarcasm. It seems fresh and upbeat. TLC doesn't seem to overrate the sarcasm in this commercial. Its kind of a relief with all thats out there right now. I'm hoping this will be a positive start to a wonderful season. I enjoy watching the family and can't wait for new episodes!
btw..I agree about tmz. I do think they tried to post the most unflattering pic they may have gotten. Personally Im not extremely photogenic even when im posing so with them trying to get by the cameras, I think that pic looks decent. lol
Sony - I was at the PA show and saw her in person and she doesn't look orange at all. I agree with 3Kmom; TMZ is pissed that they were booted out of the arena...
Great pics, Kate looks good. Love her dress.
I agree Michele, Kate does have a lot of marketing ability. She should be the new face off Ann Taylor. It would be an awesome episode to see her doing that. I could totally see her being the spokesperson for some kind of product.
I deleted the link to the fan site for everyone that was concerned. I receive several new fan blogs, sites & pages a week. Some are from young girls. What they do is not anything I can control, other than not linking the sites for the security & protection of those here.
I continue to encourage everyone that would like to do a fan site or blog to do so. I stress to those with the best intentions, including sweet Katie, to understand my position on this and the reasons why I can no longer promote other new fan blogs here.
It's sad that the world, indeed, has become a scary place. My best suggestion is to go to MySpace.com or FaceBook.com that have several fan sites to choose from!
Name of mystery girl revealed.
Nothing to it, just media hype. And Denise -- don't talk unless you know what you're talking about!
Hi Baby Mama,
THANK YOU for creating a positive web page on the Gosselins. It's nice to go to a fan web site and see other true fans.
Thank you to everyone else...
...for making their comments thoughtful and not antagonizing. If someone "does" make a negative comment let's not fall into the harshness by commenting back negatively. Let's focus on the positives...of life in general as well. Life's too short to stay in the negative.
I'm so looking forward to sharing my comments with other fans of the show.
Have a happy day. :)
But I do. Funny how you believe tabloids some of the time.
She says she came to Legends with Jon. From Where?
The Paginator said..The girl in the picture with Jon is 20 years old. If Jon has been friends with her for years, maybe she was once one of the babysitters? Nice that Jon keeps in touch.
Are you serious? You must be joking. This would mean that Jon may have been friends with her at age 17. I don't know about anyone else, but I would be a little concerned about my daughter being "friends" with a 33 (don't know his exact age) year old, married man. Nothing could have happened but the theory that she was an old babysitter is highly unlikely for me.
Ok.I'm sorry for causing u all trouble about my age ok. im really not bad i will remove personal info if i can. but plz i want my site 2 be as good as baby mamas and i need people foor that.
I agree that other sites shouldn't be linked from here because you don't really know to whom you are linking to. For example, as quoted from a previous post, when trying to pull up the girl's site referenced you got this message: "The message that comes up is as follows:
The security certificate by this website was issued for a different website's address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend you close this webpage and do not continue to website."
No telling what that site really is. It could be a 12yr old, or...who knows?
As far as the bs about exploiting the G children, why even go there, except to stir up trouble? Face it, they are already on t.v. So are countless other children. And children have been on t.v. since the medium has been invented.
To me, this site is to post news, etc. If you want to be snarkey, there is another site for that. And, by the way, the other site posts downright lies and promotes them as truths...just full of hateful people.
Pedophiles do not need to bookmark this site... they can just go to youtube, google or turn on their tv and pull up anything on ANY kid on tv, hey they can even see things about kids who aren't on tv.
I love this show but I always wondered why. Kate's birthday is 3-28 and Jon's is 4-1. My b-day is 3-31! I now understand why they talk to each other like that. The good thing is that they can't stay mad long. Aries have short tempers but it fizzels out real quickly. The kids are so cute and I hope that they come back for season 5. As far as Jon is concerned, I don't believe anything was going on except flirting. He learned his lesson!
Don't you love the way the haters (LurkinginHell) make these statements as though they know all the pedophiles in the world and that they each and every one have this site bookmarked. Good grief, these people are so disgusting!
Barbara - Disgusting and obsessed... Scary people.
When you are a hater, are obsessed with how much you hate Kate Gosselin but in reality you are really obsessed with HER and can vote as many times as you want! of course she is going to be no.2 I actually expect her to be no. 1!
Did you see the sneak peak for the new season?
It was on TLC this morning with a preview to the episode with Emiril!
All the kids looks adorable- especially the little girls!
I was watching an episode a while back and it was one of those question and answer ones. And Kate was asked if she reads negative emails. She said she did not and deleted them. And I thought "Who would send Kate Gosselin negative emails?" I thought she could be a little nagging to Jon, but what wife isn't at some point?
So I googled Jon and Kate.
OMG! So for the past few weeks I have been reading all this stuff about them and their families and I cannot believe how much time I wasted on some of the sites. I did think one site gaves some pretty good thoughts about the tub shots. I never even thought about how that could be a bad thing. I guess my mind just does not go there. But other than that, what else do they say that isn't pure speculation? None of it is true. So I stopped reading GWOP. It got old. The same thing over and over. The horse is dead, please stop beating it.
But then I found the princess boards. They are soooo funny. So now I read GWOP just to see what the princesses are going to have to work with.
But I have to ask. What ever happened to PennMommy? Did the mods ever say anything about that nightmare?? And why do the negative sites have a problem with Baby Momma? Some of them spend more time talking about her than Kate!! It's insane.
Keep it up Baby Mamma!
looks like mystery women is reaveled, the people who comment on these sites are RIDCULOUS!!They don't know what they are talking about, and %99.99 of those people hate Kate, will they ever shutup, Kate is a wonderful person they just hate her because she's rich and famous. btw the site has some pretty pics of Kate at the book signings from the other day!
For the record. I do not believe anything (even grainy video of Jon apparently leaving a house???) until they make a statement. NOTHING.
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